UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

do you see it for both years? did you see it last year too?

yea i see it for both years. i genuinely do not remember if i saw it last year or not cuz i was not expecting an acceptance at all :sob:

Did u apply for aid this year


lmao I think my friend might be right then that everyone has inquiry access denied.

I know plenty of people who don’t.

That has to do with financial aid so it also really depends when the FA
Documents and applications were submitted too and in most cases the FA and the applications are viewed and decisions are released separately so I wouldn’t take the inquiry access thing too seriously.

yea even the dean said it wasn’t an indicator.


Thank you. Dean J said it’s not valid, it’s not valid. end of discussion lol

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I think I’m screwed. I didn’t do a lot of the core requirements because I had ap and de credit for it. Is that ok? or were they expecting us to complete the requirements in college?

depends on the class tbh. for ex. uva doesnt accept either ap or de credit for english composition and u have to take it at ur college again. but for a lot of the other ones, ap and de can satisfy them (such as ur natural science and math requirements)

but for English I didn’t have to take it in college cus I did it in high school, so I’m wondering if that’ll satisfy the requirement and I will just have to take it if I get in, or if I technically don’t have the credit for it and am missing it.

technically u wont have the english credit and youd have to take it if u get accepted

I looked at their website though, and it says they take de English credit and world language. Where did you see that they don’t?

Hi, I would just love to hear honest opinions on if you think I have a good chance of getting in. UVA has been my dream school and I am very nervous about the upcoming decision. Here are my stats Thanks.

College: WIlliam and Mary| In-state Resident
College GPA: 3.83 w 26 institutional credits so far (Around 60 in total)
HS GPA; 4.31, 9 APs and 3 DE’s
Letter of Rec from Accounting Professor
Strong essays
Strong ECs (Soccer and Business clubs) in high school and in college
Applying into CAS under Pre-COMM


" * You may NOT use dual enrollment credit to meet the first or second writing requirement or the world language requirement, though such dual enrollment courses will count as elective credits toward your degree. Such credits will appear as 1000T or 2000T on your record."

It’ll only count as elective credits

strong stats you have a good shot as long as you have half the requirements done as a first year or mostly all of them if ur a second year

So here are my stats I don’t remember if I posted them. Applying as 3rd year instate
GPA: 3.5 upwards trend
Twitch affiliate
Play for schools esports team which is a really good team
For that esports team I do a lot of broadcasting, design, and hosting streams including a large ad campaign.
I work part time at a tennis shop where I got a rec letter from my boss who has known me over a decade.
Got a rec letter from my scriptwriting class.
Played on the Club Frisbee team freshmen year but stopped due to covid.
Applied to CAS.
I feel like Im more middle of the curve of what the largest block of people applying look like.

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How many second year applicants are in this thread? As in applying to be a sophomore at UVA for the fall.


I’m applying as an incoming sophomore