UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

Ooh that’d be so exciting if they came out tomorrow

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Although that would be lovely… in past years the Withdraw button disappeared on the 27th and decisions were released on the 1st, and for the past three years the decision has been released on a Friday. I’d argue that it is safe to say that we will get decisions on Friday.


no idts cuz the dean said that they haven’t had “too much of a jump” to me meaning that they did have an increase in applications. Same w tech, they had a massive jump in the # of applications for transfers

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that scares me. I wonder how much it jumped by. The transfer blog says the number they are accepting is the same as last year though. I think when I talked to them on the phone too she said they didn’t see that much of a difference. About the same number applied.

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Grading scale

What do you mean?

I’d assume most schools are having at least anywhere from a 5-30% increase in applications because of being test-optional. I think it’s test-optional for transfers regardless of the pandemic for UVA, but a LOT of the other “top-tier” schools still require test scores from transfers outside of the pandemic maybe. There will probably be people applying to UVA transfer or not who weren’t considering it before they became eligible for the test-optional policy most colleges have adopted this year.

TL;DR I feel like a lot of people widened their options/looked into more colleges due to the open eligibility test-optional policy, and therefore applied to more schools on a whim than intended. Having the opportunity to apply to some of these great schools isn’t possible for some people without test scores outside of the pandemic.

Wdym it seems pretty standard. Actually more generous than my current school UVA A is 95 and A- is 90 mine is A 96 A- 92.

Whoops sorry guys. This was meant for another school’s thread

I have been pretty quiet on this chat so far, but I have to admit I’m freaking out as this point. So nervous for Friday. Best of luck to all of y’all!


I know people have said it doesn’t matter, but im just curious. Do most people still have no financial aid found and nothing on the to do list on SIS?

Could someone chance me for stats??? I am rlly nervous for Friday.

College: The College of New Jersey (Out-of-State)
Major: Psychology & Philosophy (CAS)
GPA: 3.900 (3.93 Major/4.0 Minor)
HS: 3 AP’s w/ Average Grades
Class: Rising Junior

EC’s, Essays, & Rec were all strong with clear purpose and match for wanting to attend UVA

i do not have any financial aid info found

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I have inquiry access denied, but I know plenty of kids who see no financial aid found. I also didn’t apply this year for financial aid. I applied last year though! It means nothing. All of this means nothing.


^^means nothing

Yea no financial aid found for me either. I did have things in my to do list in the a few weeks ago.

it really does mean nothing. people are just filling their heads with unnecessary things because they are all nervous and scared. We just want this to come faster which I agree but it is just hurting us all at the end if its not what it says it is. But whatever the outcome, we did good and it doesn’t make us any less than one another!

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Lol chancing someone after they’ve already applied is useless. None of us know anything if I say ur the best applicant I’ve ever seen and ur definitely gonna b accepted ur going to have falsely inflated hopes if I say u have no chance ur gonna be crushed for no reason. Nothing anyone says will have any impact on the decision. Ur just seeking reassurance from peers that have as little clue on someone’s chances as u have


so you all think we’ll hear from them on Friday?

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yep most likely

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