UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

I have a final tomorrow thatll keep me busy

Can anyone not see their test scores? I know that was a trend last year.

On SIS or the portal? I can’t see it on either but Im not sure if I could ever see it.

On SIS specifically.

Can you not see your scores or is the test score category is not there entirely?

On SIS I have the option to open test scores but in there it is blank

If I get into Virginia tomo I will go to PetSmart and buy a parrot


Whelp good luck to everyone. Hopefully they come out early tomorrow but this is it. As a nicety to people next year I recommend you post your results and stats regardless of the outcome.

Yes, this is the end. Crazy how day before decisions theres literally a third of how many posts there were last year.

Just for fun, how are people feeling about your chances of getting in tomorrow? Like If you could rate it on a 1-10 scale your odds, what do you think?


  1. I dont know how covid is gonna impact and tech decisions were rough
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second this. tech dogged me and my confidence went :chart_with_downwards_trend:

  1. I have the grades and a decent amount of EC’s, but this is my 4th time applying to UVA

Id say 2. I have a good college GPA and have been active in working part time at my university’s hospital, but I have a very average HS transcript and did not submit test scores. Plus I am OOS so that automatically makes things harder

I don’t think the admissions officers would lie about how many applications they received. When I called them, they told me about the same number applied. They didn’t see a crazy difference. They have 1080 offers, about the same as last year.

HI i’m new here. looking back at past threads ppl who got in say inquiry access denied and things on their to-do list. does anybody see it?

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Comm only gives about 30 afaik

did they say they made 1080 offers this yr?

i noticed on this it says they offered 1200 for last year and 1080 in 2019 (which is closer to what ao’s are saying they offered last year). slight discrepancy :thinking: