UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

on the transfer blog it says “last year was 1086 offers - should be similar this year”

that’s where I got that number from

Good luck bobby :crossed_fingers:t2: :four_leaf_clover:

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Yeah but the dean said that doesn’t apply anymore.

anyone have an idea of what time

Not my decision. Hang in there and good luck!

as I have said every year … please let me in!!

Are decisions today?

I hope so

I like ur username lol

I’m William and Mary too!

Anyone coming from JMU?

Out of curiosity, why are you leaving JMU? That is my backup If I don’t get in today haha.

Yep, JMU fin, class of 2024. wbu?

Not op but I can tell you why for me. For finance or consulting, you have a much higher chance of getting hired outta UVA instead of JMU. Also, I have two good part time job offers in Charlottesville and none in Harrisonburg so that’s a bonus for me.

I’ll be JMU Class of 2024 Finance as well if today doesn’t go as planned.


decisions confirmed to come out today at 5pm! Good luck everyone!

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How confirmed?

says so here

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wow applications received was nearly the same as last year. only abt 300 more