UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

DS Accepted!! UVA, WM and VT .

Thanks so much!!! My brother got accepted :slight_smile:

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Have any of you been able to look at your fin aid yet?

yay glad i could help!!

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you were SOOOO helpful! thanks :slight_smile: My whole fam was freaking out lol

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What is the chance being accepted out of waiting list?

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Waitlisted. Congrats to everyone who got in, it is a great accomplishment! I have a full scholarship to JMU so I will be going there this fall. Maybe it’ll better the odds of others on the waitlist!

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Did u guys get good aid for those who applied for FA

where do you find it

To all the folks who got in to UVA, I am a 3rd year transfer student at UVA now, and you’ll love it here!! The academics are tough, but the profs and TAs are great. If you work hard, you’ll do great! The grounds are beautiful and the students are super nice :slight_smile:
To those who didn’t get in…you’re still super smart!! There are lots of great schools out there, and I’m sure you’ll do great wherever you go!!


Accepted!! Cannot believe I just got into my dream school :blue_heart::orange_heart:

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How to see financial aid?

when I looked at the transfer blog from last year, essentially nobody was accepted off of the waiting list

SIS log in I think there is financial aid center

I think there was, but only single digit


Same! see you there!

Accepted. Out of state, from NJ Community college with 4.0 GPA. did not expect to get in, waitlisted last year when I applied as a senior. Congrats to those who got in. For those who didnt, dont give up please! If I did I wouldnt have gotten in and Im thankful that I kept working hard.

Accepted to UVA here are my stats
Instate applied for CAS as a rising 3rd year
3.5 (Only 6 credits because of Covid)
3.7 (Summer semester)
Total GPA was 3.5 with 52 credit hours
HS Stats: 1290 SAT, 2.8/3 GPA out of 4.3 and 4 AP credits.
Decent Essays, but had really good rec letters from an Employer and a professor
EC’s where
Media coordinator for our school’s Overwatch Esports team, including running an ad campaign that reached over 100k individuals.
Played on the UF team freshmen year and the Overwatch team both years.
Worked a job over the summers
Made deans list

How do I find financial aid?