UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

Fafsa isn’t due until 4/1. They’ll start updating the SIS after that.

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If you don’t mind me asking, when did you submit your application? Like what day?

Phew😅 I know someone that can’t see SAT scores already. Hopefully mine goes away soon if that’s how it works because I can see my score still.

Well I don’t know about SAT. But I know that the early you submit fafsa the faster they’ll update your financial aid package.

Does the date UVA says you’ll receive your financial aid award letter indicate anything in regards to being accepted/rejected?

Also just to check do you guys still have the test section in your sis and your test scores are missing or is it that some can’t see that section at all. I can see the test score section but no SAT score

Thinking that decisions are going to be released on April 30th. They seem to release on the last friday of April and May 1st is a weekend so I doubt decisions would come out then

Hey, same goes for you if you don’t mind me asking, when did you submit your application to transfer?

So I did spring transfer so I rolled over my application and then resubmitted my gpa in February.

From what I’ve seen, it feels like UVA reads applications based on the order that they were submitted. Would anyone else agree, or has this been confirmed/rejected on any other forums or blog posts?

Hey guys! I am applying to enter the CAS as a second year! I’m super nervous! UVA is my dream school and I was waitlisted last year as a HS applicant. Can someone please chance me?

HS GPA: 4.8
HS courses: 7 AP, 1 DE, all others honors
College GPA first semester: 4.89
Mid year grades second semester: All A’s
took 15 credits last semester and 17 this semester
have taken most of the prerequisites for CAS
tons of extracurriculars and awards
good supplemental essays
in state student

I’m in state

For financial aid, I’m seeing no financial aid found, but for test sections I am still seeing my act​:grimacing::grimacing:

What are your stats if you don’t mind me asking and are u in state

also I took the act in high school, but didn’t submit this year, so not sure why they are still showing.

So I’m instate and applying for third year. That being said my gpa is a 3.5 and it was an upward trend of 3.0 3.5 3.7 3.8. In applying to CAS for media studies and Econ as my backup. By HS gpa was like a 3.0 and SAT of 1290. My ECs are club ultimate frisbee, Top50 esports team, which includes being their official broadcaster and running a successful ad campaign for them. I also work a job, I’m a twitch affiliate, and got recs from my script writing professor and employer. If you have anymore questions just ask.

oh you have really good stats! I hope you get in :). I am applying for Mcintire and it’s really competitive so I’m hoping for the best. Do we know how many people they’re taking?

Hey guys
My stats
In-state Residency current school New York
Sophomore College GPA: 3.78
High School GPA:3.5 took wayyy too many AP classes
Lots of the Pre-reqs completed
Finance and Econ major hopefully McIntire
Letter of Rec from Rhetoric Professor
ECS: President of the Women In Business Org, Part of the law frat and service frat, working on a podcast, federal work-study for 12 hours, senator in the student government

McIntire is one the most competitive and from what it looks like admissions varies from about 20-40 from a range of about 180-210 applicants so good luck!

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Im guessing you applied out of high school too. if thats the case ur test scores are still linked to ur name and they prob linked it up with your application this year once you submitted since ur SIS login credentials are the same as HS(as was the case for me)