UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

Are you checking these on SIS or the MyUVA Application Portal?

SIS, lmk what you guys see and when you applied. A friend of mine doesn’t see his scores and he applied after me :cold_sweat:

where do you see academic level unknown?

Go to test scores and lmk what u see dog

Hey everyone, it seems as though SIS has been updated and you should start seeing inquiry access denied as an early indicator on your acceptance.

Does it show for you?

I have inquiry access denied under my finance center! I’m a bit confused since I never applied for financial aid…

It says “You have no awards yet.” for me.

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How do you log into SIS? I only have a link to my application portal.

Same! Slightly confused about SIS.

At the time you applied you would’ve gotten a link to set up your SIS. However, they don’t resend it everytime you apply. So, if you applied in high school like I did, you would’ve gotten the email at the time you applied in high school (so I went back and found the email from January 2020).

me too

I don’t think it’s up for everyone. Fafsa and CSS are due today. We should start seeing them in the next few weeks hopefully.

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Mine says you have no awards yet but I never applied for financial aid. Should I be worried that I wasn’t accepted?

No, not at all. I have couple people confirming no awards yet, not a sign of anything.

By pure logic I’d assume the order applications are reviewed are VCC-Instate Alphabetically- OOS Alphabetically. Also remember just because you don’t have inquiry access denied doesn’t mean rejection many people didn’t see that and got in. For those who got it you probably got in 95% of the time it was acceptance and 5% it was waitlist so congrats.

holy sh** i see inquiry access denied

Hey everyone, I’ve been keeping up with this thread, and I don’t see inquiry access denied. Nice knowing you all.

That makes sense, and I’m going to go off of that cause I am an oos applicant with P as my initial for my last name lol

for those of you looking for inquiry access, click on Financials → Finance Center → View Financial Aid. Going through Financials → View Financial Aid still shows me “You have no awards yet”.