UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

Does anyone know if applicants usually see “Inquiry Access Denied” right away or if it’s still processing? I submitted everything months ago.

Yep, I still see my AP scores (only thing in the test scores tab), but I also have access inqury denied.

Based on years past, the “Inquiry Access Denied” has showed up early April for some, but others only notice it as late as the day decisions have come out. Don’t stress much over it- there’s still a lot of time left for applications to be read. PLUS, we don’t even know if it’s a sign. I believe people have gotten Inquiry Access Denied but still gotten rejected in the past!

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Ahh an early congratulations to you! I was wondering if I had to submit my test scores through SIS? My AP scores aren’t showing up in the Test Scores and I’m afraid I missed something.

UVA doesn’t require you to submit test scores (they say this somewhere on the website if you wanna look for it). The only reason my AP scores were there is because I sent them LONG before I applied to college using some of the free score sends that the collegeboard gives you.

Don’t panic! It’s fine if your test scores aren’t there- most people self report them on the CommonApp and then send them officially if they enroll at the university.

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when did you submit fafsa and css

I didn’t submit them this year. When I applied for college (during high school) for Fall 2020, I filled it out and sent it to UVA as well, so I guess they processed my last year FAFSA.

I didn’t even apply for aid this year so guessing that’s why others who have inquiry access denied have things in their to do list but I don’t.

Hi all, I am also applying as a transfer student for the Fall 2021 Semester. I will include some information below to help you all out.

Current University: Arizona State University - Barrett Honors College
Current College GPA: 4.02 (Capped at 4)
Current Year: Freshmen (Transferring as a Sophomore)
Race: Hispanic
ACT: 31
Current Major: Political Science
HS GPA: Can’t remember but pretty poor, somewhere around average unweighted.

Sorry about the late reply, best of luck to all of you!

just got another item on the to do list asking for student tax form and household size form… def kinda feel my hopes rising cuz of all these forms but dont have any idea what they mean/when they come. any thoughts?

How do I find the SIS portal?

You should’ve received an email from them.

You are pretty much accepted, otherwise they wouldn’t waste their time asking for all that you know.

Did they email you about the forms or did you find that on the SIS?

they all come up on my to do list on sis

u shouldve receieved an email if its ur first time applying or else its the same login back when u first applied

could someone send me a link to the SIS portal?


For everyone who has received the “inquiry access denied” when did you have all your financial aid information complete? I’ve had the FAFSA in for a while (since maybe December) and the CSS Profile in late-February and I still do not see it.

I submitted fafsa and css in late-March and I still don’t see it. It’s fine, just give it some time.

I submitted my fafsa sometime in November and did my CSS around February. Inquiry access denied showed up recently.