(UVA Help) Residency Mistake on Common App

So while I was applying EA for UVA, I accidentally clicked “no” to the question about being a Virginian resident. I already sent the office of virginia status the application to apply for in state educational privileges and they said they’d notify the admissions office. Does that mean the admissions office will now consider me an in state student and review my application again? Thanks in advance

I think you will be fine as long as you have contacted the admissions office about your mistake. I had a similar error, as I am considered an in state student as my dad works for the state of Virginia, but we live out of state. In the portal it listed me as OOS. I received an email saying that they want proof of in state eligibility and was fairly specific to my application. If you haven’t gotten a reply back yet, you could try contacting the undergrad admissions office directly? They should be able to see your address on your application as well and know that you are in state.