<p>I guess I am your fairly typical Northern Virginia Junior girl (White, upper middle class family, competitive public high school etc.). My older sister is studying MechE at UVA and absolutely loves it. My plan has always been to follow in her footsteps and apply early decision. </p>
<p>This past fall I wrote the PSAT (73V, 73M, 71W) and the ACT (33 Comp). Over the last few weeks I have been receiving mail from schools that I never considered or where I feel I don't have a realistic chance of admission (MIT, CalTech, Cornell, Columbia. Duke, Brown, Swarthmore, Olin ). Of course the mailings dont mean much and I have low expectations, but now I am starting to wonder if I should give some of these a shot. I dont really have any preferences as to size, location, or such similar school features. I just want a good education that positions me for grad school probably MBA. Given that I want to apply early (increased odds?) where should I apply? What can I do (EC or classes) to improve my chances?</p>
<p>INFO: GPA 3.9? (UW). All As except one B in middle school algebra. Junior year AP Calc BC, AP Comp Sci AB, AP Chem). Senior APs planned, Multi Calc, Physic C, Advanced programming. Lots of Ecs (Lacrosse, robotics, community service etc,) but no leadership or state-level awards - so not much to show in this area. Both parents are engineers, father went to MIT.</p>