<p>I'm a white male from Tidewater, Va.</p>
<p>GPA - end of junior year ~3.4 unweighted and ~4.2 weighted</p>
<p>AP Euro -5
APUSH - guessing 5
AP Art History - guessing 3 >_>
AP Calc AB - guessing 5
AP Physics B - guessing 4
AP Gov - guessing 5
rest honors/misc.</p>
<p>SAT - 700/700/700 (possible improvement)
SAT Sub- Math I 800/USH ~770
ACT - 29 eng/31 math/33 CR/ 35 Sci (possible improvement)</p>
<p>EC - 4 years of Track/XC with several awards including all region/all state
TSA/SPEC - regional physics champion/ districts in electronic research
50+ hours of leadership volunteer work at Food Bank of SE Va</p>
<p>Letters - Academically speaking AP physics teacher/APUSH or Dr. Wright (physics PhD)
Character - an amazing woman who runs the Food Bank who got me into it</p>