<p>I don't know if you came across this but I found it in the UVA transfer blog</p>
<p>Of the six schools that transfers can apply to, the School of Commerce, the School of Architecture and Education School are slightly more competitive. There is less space available in these schools and therefore less space for transfers. Lucily, we find that the majority of our applicants are interested in the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering. While this may seem like it would make it more competitive, there is more space available for these applicants.</p>
<p>Hmm...so students who applied to McIntire this year have a better chance in getting in?</p>
<p>I believe it says McIntire is more competitive.</p>
<p>Sachmoney... but they said that the majority of the applicants were for Engineering and Arts/Sciences unlike previous years.....</p>
<p>The majority of the applications are usually to those schools anyway. I don't know how to interpret it, it's still kind of vague. I'm not going to read into it until I get an acceptance or rejection letter from UVa. :</p>
<p>I don't think it specifically has to do with people who applied this year. It's just explaining trends in their applicant pool.</p>
<p>Less spots in the School of Commerce/ School of Arc and Ed School, yet fewer applicants.</p>
<p>More spots in CAS/School of Eng, yet more applicants.</p>
<p>However, the School of Comm/School of Arc is still "slightly more competitive" than CAS/School of Eng </p>
<p>As a side note, I recall reading an article about a year ago that said the School of Comm. accepts like 40% of internal transfers and less than 20% out-of-state. They try to keep to a 2/3 in-state, 1/3 out-of state ratio. Those percentages will probably decrease (if they haven't already) since the School of Comm reached #2 in Businessweek's undergrad b-school rankings (albeit they were published soon before the deadline.) Good luck.</p>
<p>ManyHookManyHope....McIntire has been No. 2 @ Businessweek since Past 3 years!</p>
<p>Does anyone know the in-state acceptance rate for transfers into the College of Arts and Sciences? I know the overall acceptance rate, but is there some stats for specifically the Arts and Sciences school?</p>
<p>@ sudstar I know its well over the Three hundreds, but thats over all, I am not sure about in-state. If your in Virginia, and going to a community college, they have an articulation agreement with the college of arts and sciences, if you graduate with an associates in liberal arts with a 3.4, you are automatically accepted. So if you fall under that region, you have nothing to worry about.</p>
<p>But the school of architecture is quite competitive, not as much as the school of commerce though. The arch school only accepted 12 students, as I am architecture applicant for UVA (AGAIN), hopefully the second time is the charm.</p>
<p>Good luck sunset...I am applying to commerce, I have absolutely fallen in love with UVa...sigh. I don't know what's gonna hapen.</p>
<p>I love UVA as well, but I'm really nervous that I might not get in. I pray I do.</p>
<p>I'm more nervous...with how McIntire is...I mean yeah...I'm not holding my breath.</p>
<p>Are you a freshman or sophomore? I'm wondering how freshman transfer and how many sophomore transfer.</p>
<p>And I think what the OPs quote meant was that although the CAS has many more applicants then the School of Commerce, there are more spots available in the CAS so the competition for a spot into CAS isn't harder than for a spot in Commerce.</p>
<p>I am currently a sophomore transferring as a junior.</p>
<p>Sounds like they are encouraging people to apply to CALS or Engineering rather than Commerce (McIntire), Architecture, or Education.</p>