UVA vs. VT for BME

(I posted this earlier but then I realized I should post it in the UVA and specific forums as well)

I was recently admitted as a transfer student to VT and UVA. At UVA I would be doing BME with either an ECE or Engineering business minor. At VT I would be doing engineering science and mechanics with an emphasis in biomechanics and a BME minor. While VT is known as the better engineering school, I think I like how UVA has a BME major versus just a minor. I have less than 2 more weeks to make my decision and I’m very stressed so I am hoping to get some input

  1. What is the engineering culture like at both these schools? I've heard things about UVA engineering being more theoretical whereas VT is more practical. Since I would be doing engineering science at VT, it seems like they would both end up being theoretical?
  2. Does it feel like professors are trying to weed you out even into sophomore and junior year?
  3. Can anyone who did/does ESM at VT tell me more about what the program is like? Certain aspects of it just look like the basic mechanical engineering classes.
  4. How competitive are students? Are people willing to help you?
  5. While I am trying to make this decision primarily on academic factors, what is it like as a transfer student at both of these schools? Will it be isolating? Do people look at you any differently because you are a transfer?

Thanks so much for your help, any input would be super super appreciated