UVA waitlist 2024 - Discuss UVA Wise and Other

Congratulations @AsianDude404 ! What time did you get the call?

Congratulations @AsianDude404 ! Did you get call on your personal mobile ? Since portal has home and parent phone numbers too . Yes, Also please let us know what time around ?

I appreciate your response.

@AsianDude404 what was your stats ? Had you applied through EA/RD? Are you in the top 5% or 10% in your school?

just got off the waitlist!

Congratulations @Tracymoms In state or Out State ? Which School?

Just got off the waitlist. OOS, SAT 1500. I received a call this morning and the offer letter a few hours later. I was EA then deferred, then waitlist during regular.

Congratulations @ryancollegeready !!! which school ?

Congrats! What school?

I also just got off the waitlist today for SEAS.
In-state; SAT: 1510
I think I got in because I asked my AP Physics C teacher to write an additional recommendation (which he submitted yesterday). I have gotten to know him really well AFTER I submitted my original app. I tend to struggle with physics and I worked with him a lot to not only understand the concepts, but the theory behind them as well. Out of all of my teachers, he is the only teacher who I have really felt knows me well enough to write the kind of rec that colleges look for.

Sounds like Engineering already getting a good number of waitlist acceptances. Iā€™m OOS for Arts & Sciences. I wonder if anyone in that category has heard back yet.

Congratulations @XtremeBlaze777 !!! Are you from Northern Virginia ? Could you send recommendation or additional info this late? Do you think that helped you to get off the list immediately?

Please share your experience.

@XtremeBlaze777 Could you please share how your teacher was able to send the recommendation ? through school portal via counselor ? or emailed to the UVA undergraduate admission ?

Your response is much appreciated.

Donā€™t really respond on here frequently, but I figured some people would find this useful. I was accepted off the waitlist a couple of days ago to SEAS.

OOS; SAT 1440
I applied EA, got deferred to RD, then waitlisted.
I had my AP comp sci A teacher send a LOR about a week or two ago and I do believe this was a big factor in the acceptance (along with all this covid uncertainty). Similarly to XtremeBlaze777, I grew quite close to my my Comp Science teacher over the past year. If anyone has any questions Iā€™d be happy to anwser them.

Thanks for your response with detailed information. I really appreciate it.

Is this the same teacher who provided recommendation earlier or different one ? How did teacher send the recommendation ? via school counselor and portal or email directly to UVA undergraduate admission? What about your GPA? Are you on top 5 or 10% ranking in your school. Please share.

@uvalover2020 My physics teacher had not written me a rec before. Your teacher sends it directly to undergradadmissions@virginia.edu in PDF format along with your full name and birth date (to match the proper file). My GPA is actually quite low for my school (about a 4.17 W / 3.8 UW) which puts me around top 25-30% but idk b/c school doesnā€™t rank. I also submitted an update to my portal addressing a medal I won in Science Olympiad for an arduino event (literally EECS) and how our team qualified for states (which got cancelled b/c covid-19 :neutral:). I guess these two things showed ā€œintent to attendā€ or whatever because both were submitted the day before yesterday and I got the call yesterday. I, of course, did not request to read the rec at all so I have no idea what was in it but he told me it would be such an easy and strong rec to write because he had so much to talk about. This rec was only sent to UVA though because I only began to work with him after all of my apps were in and I actually had more time to do so.

@uvalover2020 Arts and Science

Thanks @XtremeBlaze777 and ryanmarty !! I really appreciate response.

I was waitlisted. :frowning:
About me:

  • OOS
  • Legacy
  • 32 ACT
  • I dont know my GPA but I go to a top NYC private school
  • I dance, sing, play piano, indian classical dance
  • head of south asian cultures club
  • part of my schools model congress team
  • iā€™ve worked on a cancer clinical trial at weill cornell, also shadowing
  • breast cancer research at johns hopkins
  • tour guide, peer tutor

I really want to get off the waitlist. Applied to Arts and Sciences. Sent a LOCI saying I would attend if I got off. What else do I doooo ugh

Iā€™ll be 100 percent honest with you, all you can do is wait. Youā€™ve proved your academic ability, and your success outside of that. You sound like a great applicant so I have no doubt you stand a good chance of getting off the list. To note, as the school has said, it is dependent on who accepts offers in the coming weeks and whether there are spots available in A&S following the May 1st deadline. I was accepted off the waitlist for SEAS and all I did was accept my spot. Several weeks later, I was offered a spot in the Class of 2024. Good luck!

To speculate, it seems there will be a lot of waitlist pull this year. So far, five or six people on this thread said they got offers. That is interesting because UVA says in their waitlist letter that they wonā€™t pull until after May 1, meaning that they must be experiencing an unexpectedly low yield. Considering only 8 people got off the waitlist in total last year, Iā€™m feeling a bit more optimistic.