UVA waitlist 2024 - Discuss UVA Wise and Other

Congratulations @TC12Racer !!! Are you saying you got off wait list several weeks later ? you mean around March 18th when regular decisions were out. Were you wait listed from EA? Did you also submitted additional recommendation letter?

My apologizes on the wording. What I was saying was that several weeks after accepting my spot on the wait list, I got an offer off the wait list. This was only a week or two ago when I got my offer for SEAS. As I said before, I submitted nothing additional and I was a regular decision applicant who was wait listed.

Thanks for the clarification @TC12Racer . This makes sense. Yes , we need to just wait and see.

Thanks for your advice.

Hey folks, offers are not extended because of additional rec letters. We do not want extra rec letters and specifically address that on the FAQs.

Congrats to those who are coming off the list!

Thank You So Much @Dean J for the clarification.

I referred back to the UVA waitlist FAQs , just wanted to make sure I understood it right. I saw the below note in the FAQs :

Although you are welcome to send additional letters of recommendation, you should only send them if they add new information.

What does this mean ? I understand that the offers were not extended because of additional letters of recommendation but I still assume wait listed students are welcome to send additional letters of recommendation as per the above note.

Thanks Again for your time and response.

Thank you Dean J! Do you have any idea when the final offers will be given or how many offers are being made? Also, are final transcripts not a requirement for waitlist offers? Thanks!

@luvgoldens I was curious about the final transcripts as well. My transcripts will not be ready until the end of this week at the very earliest even with communication with my front office, so I reached out to admissions about when they need it.

What did they say concerning the transcripts?

I didnt write a letter of continued interest, so I shouldnt be expecting to receive an offer off the waitlist, right?

Has anyone gotten of the waitlist this week?

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They havenā€™t responded yet, and Iā€™m going to call tomorrow to sort things out because our counselor just notified me that grades will not be ready until June 1st.

What? UVA specifically says they do not want LOCIs so you should be just fine. You stand just a chance as everyone else waiting for an offer off the wait list.

Per the Dean J blog post:
ā€œUploading a letter in the portal is appropriate.ā€

You are correct @noahkava. My apologies, I was thinking of another university that specifically does not accept them. Additionally, I was going off the information in an UVA article that I read earlier this year that states that they are appropriate if they provide new information but otherwise are not necessary. Thatā€™s my bad again, and thank you for correcting me!

If a moderator could delete my above post so it does not confuse others about LOCIs, thatā€™d be great. I was incorrect as stated above.

just got off the waitlist for seas & got a phone call. didnā€™t do any letter or extra rec stuff.

@motherbillings Congratulations! In-State or Out-Of-State?

Got a call a few hours ago. Accepted off waitlist OOS for arts and sciences. Couldnā€™t be more excitedā€¦best of luck to those still waiting!

@noahkava Did you end up submitting extra letters of recommendation to your portal? Congratulations!!!

Congratulations @motherbillings and @noahkava !!! I cannot wait for my daughter to get off the list. Keeping my fingers crossed. She too applied for Arts and Science but in state.

@noahkava congrats!!! iā€™m also out of state waitlisted for arts and sciences. i was just wondering - had you applied for financial aid? iā€™m scared that theyā€™re not gonna take me off bc i applied for fin aid.