UVM (Engineering, Full-Tuition) vs Virginia Tech (Engineering), vs Purdue (Math)

I got into VT tech and UVM for engineering and Purdue for Math (didn’t get into cs at Purdue). I also am on the Purdue honors college waiting list. I have full tuition off at UVM so it would only cost me room and bored (about 16k a year).

I got into VT tech and UVM for engineering and Purdue for Math (didn’t get into cs at Purdue). I also am on the Purdue honors college waiting list. I have full tuition off at UVM so it would only cost me room and bored (about 16k a year). I have math credit at UVM and I could take CLEP exams to get more credit but I would have to take quite a few exams.

At V Tech I have a year of credit from ib but it would cost about 40k a year. I would have about 20k of debt if I went to v tech for 3 years and about 60k debt if I went for 4.

Purdue I have almost a year of credit and it would cost about 30k a year. I can also take CLEP for Purdue. Purdue I could graduate with no debt if I went for 3 years and about 20k debt if I went for 4

Uvm I could graduate with 36k left over from my college fund if I went for 4 years and 52k left over if I went for 3.

Right now I think the massive price difference with uvm outweighs the stem prestige of the other schools, especially since I could potentially transfer to another school from uvm and graduate without debt since I would only be paying for 2 years at whatever school I transfer to. Am I wrong about this? Is it better to go to a higher ranked engineering school?

I can’t compare the three but I want to address graduation early from Purdue. Just because you come in with a lot of AP credits doesn’t necessarily mean you can graduate early. There are course sequencing requirements for each major and not every class is offered both Fall/Spring semesters. I would not do cost analysis with the assumption that everything will work out perfectly for early graduation.

The bigger question is do you want to study CS or math? If you really want to study CS, take Purdue off your list as it’s nearly impossible to transfer into the major later.

IMO, go to UVM. Debt free is a gift and you will be employable with a CS degree from any school.


What do you want to study? I assume it’s engineering - since you got into VTech and UVM for engineering. Or maybe it’s CS because that was your chosen major at Purdue.

So not getting your major - forgetting an Honors College - is sort of a big deal.

So that comes to Va Tech and UVM regardless of how you might feel about Purdue.

You have differences in campus size, environment (small city vs. boonies), weather, and so much more. Va Tech is known for great food - so that might be a consideration too.

Have you been to these two schools to see them in person?

So - free tuition is always great. Credit for classes could be good. Some take the credit and move to the next and stumble. My son had a WD is first year. Sometimes repeating is better. He was recommended by other students on a student panel to repeat AP classes that were core to the major but like most, he got excited by the prospect of moving ahead and for him, it didn’t work out. I wouldn’t take CLEP.

Assume you are going to school for four years in engineering. My son came in as a 2nd year - and still required four years due to sequencing. He had a friend at school who finished in 3.5.

Engineering - you want to ensure ABET - and then you’ll be fine. Va Tech is better reputationally but that does not mean it will get you a better job.

So you need to look at the inputs - do you want a large or mid size school - not just population wise. Look at weather. Look at clubs. Look at access - Burlington has an airport. Va Tech - you’d fly to Roanoke (to be in range) or Charlotte and then drive hours.

As to transferring out - if this is the goal - go to community college. Never go to school with one foot out the door - your experience will be miserable.

To answer your question on price vs. prestige - that’s a personal call.

Spending money provides no guarantee - so for me personally, I would never take on debt. Period, end of story. Others disagree or think a small amount is ok.

Prestige matters more, I think, to the kids than the companies. My son is at Alabama - got into Purdue but turned it down. I thought he was wrong. But given his job interview experience (20 companies this Fall) and final outcome experience, he wasn’t.

So if UVM is ABET in the field you want to study and you choose to go there, you’ll be fine. Their career access may not be strong (Alabamas didn’t seem to be) but most today will find jobs on indeed or linkedin or listings through handshake and you will still see on campus recruiters (you may or may not be interested in their roles…my son wasn’t).

So that’s a personal call.

But I would not assume less than 4 years - and I would not take CLEP tests.

Best of luck in whatever you decide.

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