<p>Did anyone else notice that you have no feeling in your Uvula(that hangy thing in the back of your mouth)? This has got to be the strangest question I have ever asked. Clearly I don't do very well with free time. Maybe I should study or something. Feel free to ignore.</p>
<p>haha. that's a really funny post. but, i have not had anatomy so i really have no clue what that hanging thing does. i'm sure it would have feeling if it got cut of :eek:!</p>
<p>But seriously touch it. Your finger can feel your Uvula, but your Uvula can't feel your finger! Amazing what you can find out about yourself during spring break. :) Do I see a great idea for a college admissions essay! Clearly original!</p>
<p>i wonder if that means it doesn't hurt when you pierce</a> it</p>
<p>Do you want to pierce it?</p>
<p>That one guy in that picture has a really long Uvula. Gross</p>
<p>hehe. this is so funny. can you touch yours??? i havent tried, but i might. i would think i would gag myself...yes...spring break is boring. and slow this week...as college decisions are getting closer!</p>
<p>Uvula sounds a lot like vulva. Can you touch yours???</p>