UW based MTV show to debut Monday

<p>After some delay the show is ready. UW officials are holding on to their hats--could be a bumpy ride.</p>


<p>It premiered tonight, 4/12/09. At least for me, I live in San Antonio, Texas and have DirecTV. It premiered on Channel 331 (MTV HD) at 9:30 CST. It was pretty cool to actually see some of the places frequently mentioned in this forum.</p>

<p>It's supposed to premiere Monday, as far as I know. That's what the girl who's on the show that I know said to me, at least. Although I guess there was a sneak peak today or something? I don't know.</p>

<p>I kinda want to watch it, but at the same time, it's like, ugh. I know a bunch of people I know do plan on checking out the first episode, though. We'll see.</p>

<p>Apparently the UW admin had something of a cow over this show and pulled any cooperation. Thus no scenes of campus exteriors and buildings except inside the dorm room which is considered private residence. I think that anyone who tries to control media covering a story is just asking for a worse outcome than they might have otherwise had.</p>

<p>UW-Madison:</a> ?College Life? appears to fall short in depiction (April 13, 2009)</p>

<p>Typical knee-jerk response by UW. </p>

<p>MTV was going to do it either way, they should have been in on the process and at least had better control on the final result. Even if they couldn't have impacted what was displayed, they'd have the upper hand in knowing what the masses would be seeing as a depiction of life at UW-Madison. PR isn't something this university is good at, especially when it comes to the Dean of Students office. They're too busy overreacting about ping-pong balls being sold next to red cups.</p>


<p>Agree. Devoting the University's precious resources for a PR response just raises questions and, to me, makes the U more of a target for ridicule.</p>

<p>The PR department went downhill when Scott Cutlip left UW.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.uga.edu/news/newsbureau/releases/2000releases/cutlip_obit.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.uga.edu/news/newsbureau/releases/2000releases/cutlip_obit.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I saw the show last night and thought it was okay. I wish they could have shown buildings and maybe some football clips of the student section to get a better feel for campus life. Some of the lines seemed hand fed from producers, but whatever. I will watch again next week, and hopefully it gets better. That drunk guy was funny though.</p>

<p>I also wish we could actually see buildings. The Irish dude is funny. He's so clueless about school!</p>