UW beginning to apply stem cell cures

<p><a href="http://www.news.wisc.edu/packages/stemcells/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.news.wisc.edu/packages/stemcells/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Could turn into a HUGE profit center for UW over the next 20 years. And it is prestigious research.;-)</p>

<p>"No one cares."</p>

<p>-University of Wisconsin</p>

<p>They will. First discoverymade cover of Time. First good application for a cure will get huge pub.</p>

<p>Barrons, I'm really sorry to tell you this, but no one cares about your stupid little facts.</p>

<p>For someone who actually wants to go to Wisc, I find this very fascinating and quite exciting. Barrons, keep posting fun facts.</p>

<p>Actually, I like Wisconsin alot.</p>

<p>I think facts are important and interesting. Far too much is made of some schools because of nebulous general "reputation" opinions. UW has more interesting accomplishments and facts than all but a handful of schools. As many are not really aware of them I will continue to post them as I like. Feel free not to read them.</p>

<p>Henrym288, first of all, excuse my french, but why do you have to be a **** head to Barron's? Its quite ironic that you like Wisconsin, but told barron's no one cares about his facts. These facts that you generalize no one cares about, actually tells a great deal on the university and its strengths as well as weaknesses. May I ask, are you reading the mind of 10-15 people who visit this board frequently and prospective students who want to go here as well? I think you are mistaken big time, I love barron's facts and I really really appreciate his contribution and time to this board. Don't forget, he is volunteering his own time to help prospective as well as current students here. Look at alot of these posts, he may be the only one to respond to them. And do you know why, because he is very knowledgable and helpful as an alumni.I believe a lot of people find the facts interesting and he posts things I don't even know about my own university.</p>

<p>Imho, Barron's posts a lot of neat things, from articles on scientific research, to university programs to charts on research showing analysis of graduation rates or how many students turn out to be successful or ceo breakdown between top universities or in general giving advice on anything. I read every single one of them and learn alot a lot actually. Some of his articles are very knowledgable and comprehensive. </p>

<p>Scientific research, especially stem cell research is a huge bang in the scientific community in the last few years and recently it got bigger. If you keep up with the news, Henrym288, you would know a South Korean researcher, Dr. Hwang Woo-Suk one of the leading stem cell researchers in the country, prominent figures based on times magazine in 2004 got his chops busted recently this week. First issues of ethics came in play, now the scientific community is backlashing his research. SNU is under a lot of scrutiny for him. Universities from Stanford, Harvard, UC-Berkely, MIT/Caltech, to Wisconsin, to SNU in SOuth Korea, and even University of Kolkata in India especially are spending literally hundreds of millions of dollars trying to study stem cell research, and one reason is greed, the first university who finds a notable cure, will get unprecendented prestige and fame in the scientific community. Yes, it is also because the benefit of mankind, but more for the greed. Wisconsin is already very distinguished already as top 5-10 scientific school overall in the world imho and is a leading star on this race to find a notable cure. Keep us posted Barron's and I really appreciate every thing you do here. </p>

<p>Students only don't come here because of the beautiful campus and drinks henrym288, most here study their asses of here as well and love intellectual findings. It one of the best academic institutes in the world, don't come here if you have that type of attitude. Your going to be very unwanted.</p>

<p>Thanks Swami. Good to have a fellow Garden Stater watch my back. I do try to keep it to about 1 or 2 fact posts a month that I think shed some light on what UW really is about that might not be in the regular media outside Madison.<br>
Some even start debates like the one on "Coasties". I regretted ever posting that one. </p>

<p>Now let's make a good showing against Auburn next week. I just don't want to get killed. A win would be unbelievable.</p>