UW Chances

I’m a senior this year from a super tiny school with no AP/IB/Honors classes, not many extracurriculars, and a very low academic level. I am in state.

GPA: 4.0 unweighted (literally straight A’s except for 1 B+ on transcripts for all 3 years of high school so far)
ACT: 29; plans to take again in September
Rank: 1 of 3
I have taken dual enrollment courses and been very successful.
Planning to major in biochemistry, (L&S) though that’ll probably change.

4 years varsity basketball - captain for 1 year, 2 years varsity softball, 2 years varsity cross country, 4 years student council - held office for 2 years, 2 years cheer/dance team, won local essay contest 2 years, also other random local contest wins, and around 100 hour shifts of community service.

I’ve worked full time for the last 5 years during summers.

What do you mean about your rank? 1 of 3?

You’re in-state, right? I think you have a great chance; I have a hard time believing they’d hold it against you that you’re from a tiny school in rural WI. You would probably also have a decent shot at the University of Minnesota if that interests you (cost would be a little more but not as high as the regular out-of-state tuition).

Your ACT and GPA are good, even just one more point on your ACT will strengthen your overall application, I don’t think you have much to worry about. You could be the rural diversity madison is looking for!!