UW Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Do decisions come out over the entire time period of March 1-15 or is it one day within those two weeks? If it’s one day, does anyone know when that was in past years?

When my daughter applied two years ago, they sent it out in waves. I’m sure they will here, too. Most likely a big jump in applications, too. They need to balance out the out of state/international and instate, as well, for $. My daughter was waitlisted by appealed and got in.

Do you mind sharing her stats?

I got it too!

How does the appeal process work? Do you have to send additional information that was not on the original application?

Son just received an email from UW stating “most (decisions) will be available on or around March 12”. So much for hoping for next week 3/6.

At least they’re transparent with communication! Although, we would all prefer an exact date versus a date range.

UIUC had the exact date and time on applicants’ portal.

My daughter was so bummed it won’t be end of next week.

Anyone heard how much of an increase they had in applications? I have to assume it was quite high as those that deferred last year had to re-apply and applicationss are up everywhere across the board.

I think I heard 10% increase

Pretty sure it was a 10% increase.

Someone made a countdown timer for when most decisions are expected to be released:



@vannevka , where did you hear that '20 deferred students had to reapply? Just curious.

The admissions people said it in several different information sessions last fall. And it is also in their FAQs…

Can I defer my offer of admission?

You may not defer your admission to another entry term. The offer of admission is valid only for the quarter you applied. If you do not wish to attend the UW at this time but wish to enroll for a future quarter, you will need to reapply.


Not sure about the countdown timer, but if history is anything to go by… here’s when decisions dropped the past three years:

  • 2020: Mar 6th (Fri)
  • 2019: Mar 7th (Thurs)
  • 2018: Mar 9th (Fr)
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The official email from UW to all applicants said this:
[insert name]

It’s been a long wait, but decisions are coming!

Admission decisions are released between March 1 and 15. This year, we anticipate most will be available on or around March 12. You will find your admission status in your MyUW portal. Please note that your UW NetID is required to log in.

Provided you are offered admission and applied for financial aid, the details of the types and amount of aid for which you are eligible will also be available in your MyUW portal within 2–3 weeks of your admission decision. You will receive an email from the Office of Student Financial Aid when your award is available for review.

We’ll be in touch soon!

Office of Admissions
University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Hey all, so I just got this email from the UW Office of Financial Aid to my UW email.

here’s what it said:

"Your 2021-2022 financial aid application has been selected for a process
called Verification. This message contains a link to an online form,
and you may receive separate requests for additional forms. We
will review this information along with what you reported on your
financial aid application.

bunch of related info

Your offer of financial aid cannot be finalized until this information
is received and reviewed by our office. If you have questions about the
forms and/or the additional document(s) that need to be provided, please
contact your campus financial aid office.

Thank you.

Office of Student Financial Aid - University of Washington"

From what I’ve read, about 30% of all applicants have to go through FAFSA verification, but what gets me is that it arrived from the UW fin aid dept, and the sentence “Your offer of financial aid cannot be finalized until this information is received and reviewed by our office.” Is this any foreshadowing of an acceptance or am I just paranoid?

Just got an email that said I’ll be ineligible for need-based financial aid. I am in-state, does this mean I got in? I don’t see why they would send it otherwise

I am not able to sign in my status portal today.: “Your login failed. Please try again”.

It is so weird. I was there yesterday and didn’t change anything. Anyone else has the same?

How do you access your UW email our D18’s messages are currently being sent to her personal email. Wondering if we should be checking somewhere else.