UW Dorm Assignments? Triples? Incoming Freshmen!

Hi I’m an incoming freshmen and I’ve recently seen my assignment to be in the Smith Hall! I haven’t gotten my dorm room or roommate(s) info yet but I have a question regarding freshmen in this residence hall! Is there a lot more upperclassmen or is there a good amount of freshmen usually here? I worry because I feel I’ll be isolated because of all the posts saying Smith is majority upperclassmen. :frowning:

This was one of my top choices but def not my number one. What is the scene around here usually? Quiet? Parties? Also how likely are freshmen assigned triples? I signed up for it considering it would be a lot cheaper because of the nicer facilities. Thanks any info would be nice :slight_smile:

I think you will be fine. It should be a mix of upperclassmen and freshmen…plenty of freshmen, considering lots of students move out of the dorms sophomore year.

My son’s friends were placed in a triple in Dejope. They did a triple roommate request though, so they seemed sure they would be placed in Smith or Dejope. Those must be the only dorms with triples.

Smith seems super nice - I think you will enjoy it, and its not as far out as Dejope, which also seems very nice.