UW Engineering

<p>i was recently accepted to uw for engineering and i have a few questions-
1. what is the average engineering gpa and how many hrs a week would one have to spend studying
2. im going to be majoring in compE so i would like to know whether the big tech companies come to recruit
3. ive also been accepted to purdue so if someone could tell me how the two schools and engineering departments compare, that would be great
I would basically like to go to a school which isnt very rigorous and where i can maintain a decent gpa and also have a social life. if anyone can answer my questions that would be great</p>

<p>The engineering school has their own placement center and they publish complete data on companies that recruit, salaries etc etc. Yes, most of the large tech firms recruit there.</p>

<p>thank you barrons, im leaning towards wisconsin right now but i still have a few decisions to come</p>

<p>Purdue is ranked #4 overall and even higher for Engineering by recruiters, according to the WSJ.
<a href=“Best Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters - WSJ”>http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052748704554104575435563989873060&lt;/a&gt;
Purdue is crazy rigorous! My son (at Purdue - Mechanical E) is really bright, he’s got a presidential scholarship, and it still is kicking his butt. I can’t really speak to UW Madison, but that is a TOP 10 program also. I have to believe it’s really hard as well.</p>

<p>Every good engineering school is rigorous especially the best ones.</p>

<p>im just going to go to the school where i will be able to maintain a better gpa because i intend to go to grad school. i know both schools are highly reputed so it just comes down to that then</p>

<p>Ha! I wanted to ask the same question. Cant decide. ~X( purdue hasnt sent the admission letter, but i am confident that i ll get in</p>

<p>i personally dont like the grade deflation and general rigor at purdue and thats why i prefer madison as of now. ive also heard that purdue’s average engineering gpa is lower than uw’s. since im planning to go to grad school, gpa is pretty important</p>

<p>Choose the school for the overall experience. You were accepted to UW the university as a whole, you will need to maintain good grades your freshman year to get into your specific engineering program (this shouldn’t be a problem). Your UW acceptance means you can choose to change your major if you want.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about grad school. Pick the school that seems to have the environment you want to spend 4 years in and the courses required and available in your chosen major. College is more than just classes, it is a whole outside the classroom learning experience.</p>

<p>yes, ive considered that and wisconsin wins always</p>