UW Fall 2011 Stats Released-and more on 2012

<p>Education</a> | UW freshmen enter with higher grades and SAT scores | Seattle Times Newspaper</p>


<p>Local</a> News | More seats opening at the UW for in-state applicants | Seattle Times Newspaper</p>

<p>Saw this! So excited ! I am hoping so bad I’ll be admitted</p>

<p>I’m one of those Hispanics!! lol</p>

<p>me too! 10char</p>

<p>I’m Asian! (Jumping on the race bandwagon :wink: )</p>

<p>…and was subject to very ignorant and off putting comments from people who were just touring UW today about…

  1. being an international student (Born and raised in Washington)
  2. sucking up state funding (I work for and pay my tuition in whole, thank you very much)
  3. “stealing” freshman spots from in state students (… sigh)</p>

<p>I was completely appalled. It probably didn’t help that I was on the phone speaking “Asian” when I walked by them.</p>

<p>That is horrible Speedsolver. Even if you were an International student, that is totally inappropriate! Defiantly not a dialog up to U.W. standards!</p>

<p>@speedsolver: Most of the friends I’ve made so far at UW have been Asian and often international students. I had never known people like that before and I’m glad I met them. We’ll (hopefully) be friends for a long time. I have never spent time around Asian people before and apart from sounding really foolish one time (“what is a fob? Why do you keep saying ‘that was so fobbish’??”) I think I’ve transitioned pretty well.</p>

<p>Part of the ‘diversity’ aspect of UW is to help us learn to live in harmony and appreciation of other cultures. I wouldn’t want to offend anyone by my speaking “hispanic” or something. lol. May they learn better in time…</p>

<p>@travelgirl: have you ever been to a meeting of the Latino Student Union (LSU)?</p>

<p>Yep, I was pretty disappointed hearing that from some of the potential students/parents. However, I have had a fantastic experience at UW with regards with meeting with other people. </p>

<p>I also brought it up with other students, and overall, they were pretty shocked at the entire situation. It’s definitely not at all the character of our students and professors … :slight_smile: Perhaps the applicants’ attitude about Asians and international students (hey, there are non-Asian ones too!) will transfer over through their essays… which is something the admissions department will be looking at ;)</p>


<p>Well, this doesn’t bode well for out of state students like myself…</p>


<p>Everywhere I look around UW they are building more housing. I think they’ve got like 4 new buildings going in on Campus Parkway (our housing and Administration area) alone!! That doesn’t even take into account that there’s a lot of private building in the near area as well, with some new high-rise being announced at 65th by my old HS as well lol.</p>

<p>The point is that the school appears to be expanding…</p>

<p>Great articles. Thanks for sharing!</p>