<p>Education</a> | UW freshmen enter with higher grades and SAT scores | Seattle Times Newspaper</p>
<p>Local</a> News | More seats opening at the UW for in-state applicants | Seattle Times Newspaper</p>
<p>Education</a> | UW freshmen enter with higher grades and SAT scores | Seattle Times Newspaper</p>
<p>Local</a> News | More seats opening at the UW for in-state applicants | Seattle Times Newspaper</p>
<p>Saw this! So excited ! I am hoping so bad I’ll be admitted</p>
<p>I’m one of those Hispanics!! lol</p>
<p>me too! 10char</p>
<p>I’m Asian! (Jumping on the race bandwagon )</p>
<p>…and was subject to very ignorant and off putting comments from people who were just touring UW today about…
<p>I was completely appalled. It probably didn’t help that I was on the phone speaking “Asian” when I walked by them.</p>
<p>That is horrible Speedsolver. Even if you were an International student, that is totally inappropriate! Defiantly not a dialog up to U.W. standards!</p>
<p>@speedsolver: Most of the friends I’ve made so far at UW have been Asian and often international students. I had never known people like that before and I’m glad I met them. We’ll (hopefully) be friends for a long time. I have never spent time around Asian people before and apart from sounding really foolish one time (“what is a fob? Why do you keep saying ‘that was so fobbish’??”) I think I’ve transitioned pretty well.</p>
<p>Part of the ‘diversity’ aspect of UW is to help us learn to live in harmony and appreciation of other cultures. I wouldn’t want to offend anyone by my speaking “hispanic” or something. lol. May they learn better in time…</p>
<p>@travelgirl: have you ever been to a meeting of the Latino Student Union (LSU)?</p>
<p>Yep, I was pretty disappointed hearing that from some of the potential students/parents. However, I have had a fantastic experience at UW with regards with meeting with other people. </p>
<p>I also brought it up with other students, and overall, they were pretty shocked at the entire situation. It’s definitely not at all the character of our students and professors … Perhaps the applicants’ attitude about Asians and international students (hey, there are non-Asian ones too!) will transfer over through their essays… which is something the admissions department will be looking at ;)</p>
<p>Well, this doesn’t bode well for out of state students like myself…</p>
<p>Everywhere I look around UW they are building more housing. I think they’ve got like 4 new buildings going in on Campus Parkway (our housing and Administration area) alone!! That doesn’t even take into account that there’s a lot of private building in the near area as well, with some new high-rise being announced at 65th by my old HS as well lol.</p>
<p>The point is that the school appears to be expanding…</p>
<p>Great articles. Thanks for sharing!</p>