UW In top 20 in ARWU World Rankings

<p>ARWU</a> 2010</p>

<p>The other major international ranking followed by most in the world.</p>

<p>Very impressive – but year old – news. Let’s keep the board current, shall we?</p>

<p>Novaparent, get a life. Why are you constantly trying to slam UW?</p>

<p>I agree, Barrons constantly tries to promote this school for its fine qualities and achievements, even if it is a year old doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>Got a beef with the UW then back off…</p>

<p>Silly me, I thought the board was for the open exchange of ideas about a school and not merely a vehicle for promoting. </p>

<p>I see UW’s back on another list: PR’s top party schools. Congratulations!</p>

<p>nova… Yes, silly you. You are the only one of thousands of potential posters who bothers with the UW site and who has their only agenda as pointing out flaws. No known reasons to post, no known connections, no helpful insights. No known posting on other midwest school sites either. A negative agenda? Definitely. Sour grapes? Likely. To be taken seriously? Never. Poor reputation as a poster-yes.</p>

<p>Bothered with this as a new crop of posters uses this site- let them be aware.</p>

<p>Let data speak for itself. Most of us are looking at the world with our own colored glasses. I am a Badger parent. I am biased for sure. Still, I like to hear all news, Good or bad.</p>

<p>Frankly I appreciate this site and the open exchange. It was very helpful when D1 was applying and I suspect D2 may really like attending UW, so I continue to read on. </p>

<p>It’s pretty obvious to anybody spending any time here that barrons and Wis75, while being incredibly helpful, do see everything through badger red glasses without real objectivity. And why not.</p>

<p>Novaparent has occasionally pointed out some useful important downside of UW, but I do find the petty bickering like post #2 to rather annoying, immature and most unhelpful. It does make me question his/her motives. </p>

<p>I’ll start a separate post where maybe we can discuss some of my concerns.</p>



<p>novaparent’s behavior is very much that of a ■■■■■ ([■■■■■</a> (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/■■■■■_(Internet)]■■■■■”>■■■■■ (slang) - Wikipedia)). Honestly on any other forum with the amount of activity that this one has which talks about more ‘serious’ topics he/she would have been warned/banned into oblivion a long time ago. The mods just aren’t very active here apparently, or they don’t care, which is odd.</p>

<p>It is OK to be biased, as long as you are telling the truth.</p>

<p>I agree with kxc1961, and will add that THAT’S why I haven’t been “warned/banned into oblivion.”</p>



<p>It’s not about whether you are biased or not, it’s about staying on topic and not needlessly starting arguments that could easily devolve into flame wars, among other things. I get the feeling that a lot of the regular posters here don’t really post anywhere else and thus are sort of oblivious to forum etiquette, in particular how problematic behavior like novaparent’s is and how poisonous it can be to a board.</p>

<p>But alas, why am I even bothering to explain this when it should be a mod doing it? With invisible moderators it doesn’t really matter what I say in the end.</p>

<p>Perhaps posters should let the moderators know- post your complaints, click on the “Report Problem Post” on your post and ask for help.</p>


<p>For what it’s worth, I’ve done this several times.</p>