UW Madison admission chances?

<p>WI Resident
No class rank at my school</p>

<p>High School Story/Background
-Middle Eastern Heritage
-Speak Arabic, English, and Spanish
-Freshman GPA messed me up, upward trend in GPA
-Freshman (3.5) Soph (3.93) Junior (4.125) Senior (in-progress)
-Rigorous Course Load in general</p>

<p>GPA 3.98 weighted
GPA 3.81 unweighted
ACT: 26 (8 writing)</p>

<p>6 Honors Classes (3 math, 3 science)</p>

<p>APs and Grades:
-AP Psychology (A both terms)
-AB Calculus AP (A both terms)
-AP Biology (A both terms)
-AP Micro Economics (A)</p>

<p>APs in progress/going to take
-BC Calculus AP
-AP Macro Economics
-AP Statistics
-Spanish 5</p>

<p>Extra Curricular
-NHS Society
-SHS Society (Spanish Honors Society)
-FBLA Business Club
-Key Club
-Sunday School</p>

-Soccer (very involved and was 2nd captain for club soccer)
-Varsity soccer for 4 years, 2 years varsity
-Tennis, 2 years, won tournament</p>

<p>Good rigor and GPA, but ACT is a bit on the lower end. Have you considered retaking it or trying the SAT?</p>

<p>Yes I’m retaking in October. Hoping to get a 28-30</p>

<p>Good plan! You can still apply by the first cutoff of November 3 and submit your October ACT score later when you receive it.</p>

<p>In. No worries.</p>

<p>What are my chances of getting into UW-Madison
I’m East Asian origin
I’m a Wisconsin resident
ACT 28 (English 26, Math 33, Reading 28, Science 24) my best out of my ACTs. Other ACTs that were sent were 27 (English 27, Math 31, Reading 26, Science 24)and 26 composite (English 26, Math 30, Reading 23, Science 26). I improved from 26 to a 27 to a 28
un-weighted GPA 3.74
AP classes:
AP world History (A both semesters) 4 on AP test
AP Calculus AB (B both semesters) 5 on AP test
AP Chinese
My other classes had a lot of honors classes through junior year (math, science, english honors). And I took summer school courses to boost my GPA more (with all A).
GPA trend
semester 1 GPA:3.71, semester 2 GPA 3.57, semester 3 GPA 3.83, semester 4 GPA 3.5, semester 5 GPA 3.86, semester 6 GPA 3.83) I am a senior in progress.
I have my two recommendations
I do math team, did drama, debate and forensics, and other things I do outside of school activities include Piano .</p>

<p>AP classes in my senior schedule classes:
AP Microeconomics
AP Calculus BC
AP Government and Politics</p>

<p>My daughter is a junior and is pre-med at UW. She had a 26 on her ACT and a 3.8 GPA. She is from Illinois and I think what got her in was her passionate essay about how she intended to go to UW no matter what! Don’t forget about determination. Show that and you get noticed. Follow up with admissions, make sure they know you, ask them questions, they noticed my daughter. She was not going to be let down and she wasn’t. She loves it and is going on to pediatrics and is already working at the hospital and primate labs. </p>

<p>I posted on another comment. I am very familiar with UIUC and UW Madison admissions. UW is very much trying to be more diverse so any ethnic background with good credentials has a very good chance of getting in, especially if you are instate. My daughter’s first choice was UIUC but she was rejected to UW Madison with a 30 ACT and 3.5 Unweighted GPA. and she was a legacy. After she was accepted to UIUC she did not care so perhaps her not being determined did not help.</p>