UW Madison Chance Me Please

  • 3.49 Unweighted GPA
  • 3.93 Weighted
  • Will have honor's diploma
  • NHS for 2 years
  • 26 ACT
  • regular volunteering at church
  • dancer for 16 years
  • strong essays for required and personal essay
  • Minnesota resident

Any and all help would be much appreciated, thanks so much.

Hello from Muskego, WI lol.

Consistency w/ dancing and church volunteering
Strong essays
Honors diploma
NHS (but this is pretty common)

Minnesota - this is bad because UW-Madison actually has a little problem with taking in too many out-of-state students versus Wisconsin students because the out-of-staters pay more for their tuition. Minnesota is a double whammy because you can’t help fulfill the Wisconsin student requirement but you would also don’t have to pay full out-of-state tuition because of the Midwest Exchange.

Your ACT score isn’t awesome, but it’s not like you got an 18.

Your GPA is along the lines of most who are admitted to UW-Madison, at least from my high school. I think you’ll be okay. If you aren’t admitted, it’s most likely NOT because you were a horrible applicant. They just have their quotas to fill.

Any work experience? Career or major exploration?

Be sure to have other schools for backup. One fourth of the students will be below the middle 50% so you do have a chance.