UW-Madison Class of 2020 Waitlists

Hey y’all. I’m starting this thread for updates for those of us who’ve been waitlisted. Are you guys going to send in letters of intent to admissions or have your counselors send in updates, etc.? Also, do you guys know what the chances of coming off of the waitlist are?

Yeah, I’m gonna talk to my counselors about it and see what they say to do (which I’m guessing is to indeed send a letter of intent). I’m also planning on sending my third quarter grades. As for the chances of coming off, I have no idea. But I hope there’s the possibility for us!

My GC is telling me to leave the adcomms alone bc they are inundated with stuff to do at this point. I really don’t agree and believe that sending in a short message to let them know our interest could be the difference between coming off and not. Good luck, and I hope it works out for us! @unusually

@mdorbust thanks! yeah i’ll ask mine when i get back to school and tell you what they say but i’m pretty sure they’ve said it’s better to make contact with admissions

@unusually okay, let me know! :slight_smile:

I heard that its very hard to get off the waitlist at Wisco but im not so sure. Does anyone have an idea?

Here is a waitlist thread from May of last year. It appears that people on the waitlist started hearing back from UW in early May (by phone call/email):


I have also seen elsewhere in past threads that some years a few hundred make it off the waitlist and other years it’s close to 0.

Good luck to all of you who have been waitlisted!

I know it’s late, but I sent in a Letter of Continued Interest to Madison when I was postponed, and I think it pushed me over the admit/deny edge to be admitted.

I think some waitlisted students will start getting in on Friday… Anyone wanna be brutally honest with me on my chances?
3.6-65ish UW GPA
6 APs, 2 accelerated, 1 honors
in state
Pretty good extra curriculars, great internship/job
I know my GPA is really what’s holding me back but I got a 3.75 last semester and they’re aware of that…

I was an initially postponed student then accepted @joscelyn13, and I had extremely similar stats. You have higher GPA, I have more AP’s and a higher ACT, but I think we balance out. If that makes any matter to you, it might indicated you were a borderline waitlist and at the top of the list? Good luck!

@GabGirl legit praying that you’re right… But thank you that makes me feel a little better haha

Just got accepted off of the waitlist! So excited to become a Badger :wink:

I’ve heard of three other kids from my school who got in off the waitlist today.

Also got accepted … can’t believe it!

And to those who are waiting and don’t end up getting in: I feel for you. I know what it’s like to wait for months and months and months … such a pain. But if you have a good enough resume to be considered by Wisconsin then you’ll do great no matter where you go!!!

Can those of you who are getting admitted post your stats? Also in state or OOS

just got accepted a couple hours ago!!

I had a 33 ACT and 3.98 W GPA … OOS from Illinois


Congrats to you who have been moved off the waitlist! I’m still hoping for the same, but my credentials are not nearly as impressive. Would you mind sharing how you were notified? Phone call, time of day, email, etc.? Congrats again–

email/uw portal