UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

No news here in CT. : (

haha guys that person is lying decisions won’t start till after 7pm wisco time

I haven’t received anything either.

@coll3g3s00n that’s what I thought as well

@c0ll3g3s00n I got mine a few minutes ago. It was 4pm PST

Did you guys get an email or just check the portal?

Where are you from?


I dont believe these people

happykm is not being truthful. They listed a different GPA and ACT score a couple of weeks ago. Pretty sad and strange that someone has to pretend to be admitted to colleges.

I NEED to know!!!

@happykm Don’t lie now broski, everybody needs as much good karma as possible to help them get admitted. Lying gets you bad karma [-X

Did you see all that stuff he listed he did?! Hahaha no way

OOS. Iowa. Haven’t heard anything yet.

@jr2016 In all fairness, they could have brought their ACT up and finished this past quarter/semester very well. Their extracurriculars do seem pretty fantastic though…

Regardless of whether they’re lying or not will have no impact on your guys’ decisions. I agree it is a bit strange they’ve already received an admission’s decision, but there’s no way we can really tell if they’re lying or not. Just wait a half hour and you all will find out if you receive a decision.


not yet :frowning:

Still nothing via email or student center.

Nothing. Dammit wisco

@Natalie278 It’s impossible to have raised an ACT score in the last 5 days. Strange, strange person with nothing better to do.