UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

could they let us know during the week or only on Friday?

@Pinky997, the application deadline may have already passed, but if it has not you might want to see if UChicago might actually be more affordable than paying OOS tuition at Wisconsin. UChicago is among only about 63 or so colleges that meets 100% of demonstrated need without any loans. Depending on what your EFC is under FASFA/CSS profile, UChicago might be the most affordable choice. I know that my sound counter-intuitive given the sticker price for UChicago compared to the OOS tuition rate for Wisconsin, but you might want to run the net price calculator for them on the College Board’s website. Of course, just as getting into Madison is not a given, only a select few make it into UChicago. In any event, good luck with your college applications.

Does anyone know if we could find out during this week or is it most definitely Friday?

They have released on Monday and Tuesday in the past, but I think that Friday is by far the most common.

I was wondering if anyone could calculate my chances. I’m an OOS, I have an UW gpa of a 3.96 (one B in all of highschool) and 4.13 W gpa a 27 ACT, tons of EC as well as lettering in community service, my dad attended UW, and my essays were good!

@annelr UW appears to weight unweighted GPA and course rigor (AP/College level/Honors courses) more than it weights ACT and residency, which in turn appears to be weighted more heavily than EC’s and whether or not you are a legacy. I do not know the actual weights if in fact they exist. According to UW’s latest Common Data Set, 72.4% of entering freshman had an unweighted GPA >= 3.75 and 95.2% had an ACT >= 24 (middle 50% was 26-31 with an average I believe of 28.5 typically reported as 29). The overall admittance rate was 49.2%, with 38.9% of those admitted actually enrolling at UW (~20% of applicants). The admit rate for women was 52.9%. The admit rate for men was 45.4%. The in-state admit rate was 67.1%, the MN admit rate was 43.9%, the OOS admit rate (excluding MN) was 45.3%, and the international admit rate was 36%. These numbers are from UW’s website. I have previously posted similar but not identical numbers that can be found at other websites such as Princeton Review, www.collegedata.com, US News & World Report, etc.

There are also VERY LIMITED postings from people who were admitted or postponed (i.e., a hundred or so out of 30,000+ applicants). Every one who has been admitted within this small sample (at least the ones that I’ve seen) has had an unweighted GPA >= 3.7 and an ACT >= 26. I seem to recall at least one person with a higher GPA but an ACT of 25 who said he/she was postponed (NOTE: not denied) and a few who had unweighted GPA’s below 3.5 with ACT scores >= 31 who said that they were postponed (again not denied).

I do not think you can convert these statistics into a “chance” for a specific applicant (too many unknown pieces of information). Notifications are, however, less than a week away. If it makes you feel better, in-state students with apparently worse stats have been admitted this year. I seem to recall an admitted student with a 3.8 GPA and 26 ACT, although I do not know if they took tougher courses than you, had more EC’s, had better letters of recommendation, etc.

@annelr pretty slim chances, hope you have realistic alternatives

@tanya4598 Why do you say that?

@annelr If anything, try and raise your ACT score if you can. Other than that, your GPA looks great, though I’m curious about your EC’s. Make sure to have excellent essays and you may have a solid chance.

@annelr You definitely have a shot…good luck! My daughter is OOS and we are anxiously awaiting a decision

just remember when one door closes another door opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us

if you get accepted, do they mail a package? Or is it more like a letter?

I believe that they send an email. @dchoi3333

Last year, applicants received an email informing them that a decision was available online. Then you would go in online, and there was a link to a pdf of the official acceptance letter. But, nothing this year seems to be the same as last year. In fact, even the “my uw” website is new.

You have a good chance @annelr

thank you all!!

This weekend I posted about a Chinese exchange student who receive admittance to UW last Friday night. That post appears to be wrong. I worked concessions at a weekend basketball tournament. My wife told me that the exchange student had been accepted at UW. I talked to the student about Wisconsin and he said something along the lines of " yea but I really want to get into Purdue ". Apparently he applied to a different school in Wisconsin. Complete failure of communication.

Thank you for clarifying

if i send an application update right now, doe think it could still be considered?

So I would be pretty surprised if Madison waited until this Friday to release the rest of the decisions. I mean, that’s thousands of decisions to send out and it might be like what happened with Michigan where the system just completely failed and shut down for almost two hours. I have a feeling that they might send out batches each day this week, or at least not wait until the very last Friday (assuming they don’t send any out over the weekend because who honestly would want to have to work). I mean, at this point what is a few more days of waiting, but I’m still crossing my fingers that Madison starts before Friday. It just seems like that would be a lot for them to do in one night. Just my thoughts, we will see!

@1234collegegirl probably not, unless you’re postponed. If you’re denied, you can always appeal.