UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@1234collegegirl Like what I posted earlier, I have asked the office, they responded that you can send in addition scores and reports, they will enter them into your file, but they cannot guarantee if the additional info will make it before a decision is made.

Now I am no admissions counselor, but based on their response, I would assume there is a team handling our files and there is a team reviewing our app. What they meant is that if they had finished your app and have accepted or denied you, additional information will not help. I am not sure of the appeal process and how they view postpones. Keep in mind that they receive thousands of applications and they will not likely spend too much extra time on one applicant.

The problem now is that no OOS applicants know their status, and I havent heard anyone at my school was requested midterm grades. So no one knows whether theyll help

I emailed and they said “We have received your additional information and it will be added to the application file in the near future”

I am OOS, does that mean they advent reviewed it?

Ugh Jan 31 is nearing and this is nerve-racking. Wisco is my #1.

I received an email from UW Madison asking me to apply

@sulliva if you have previously applied you automatically are sent these.

Anyone hear anything yet???

@dchoi3333 I’m guessing users who plan on posting here, will post here without being asked. Best of luck!

There’s a rumor circulating at my son’s Chicago high school that UW Madison will not be releasing EA decisions until the first week of February.

@esquiremom I don’t think that’s true as they have persistently stated and replied to several tweets on twitter( including mine) that they will release the decisions by January 31st

Wooderson (wishful thinkers AKA us): say man, you gonna release results tonight?
Mitch (UW): no man, I am not.
Wooderson: it would be cooler if you did.

Has anyone from Illinois gotten accepted yet that doesn’t have an athlete hook?
My daughter sent in all her applications in the early fall. Results so far:

Princeton: Deferred;
U of Colorado-Boulder-accepted with honors and a nice scholarship;
U of Minn-accepted college of bio sciences.

U of Wis Madison, Still waiting
U of I-Urbana, still waiting but doesn’t really want this one
Brown and Cornell and Princeton RD. The last three are all stretches. :slight_smile:
Other than U of I she likes all her choices so I am glad she heard back from two favorites early. Really odd to me how some schools are so efficient in getting the admission task done and others seem to have more difficulty.

@Bughunter87 UW Madison hasn’t released any OOS decisions and we all are waiting for it.

@Bughunter87, I’m not familiar with Colorado; however, my son was admitted to Minnesota and I don’t recall there being any admissions essays. I know he didn’t send any letters of recommendations to Minnesota. UW on the other hand requires multiple essay prompts and encourages letter of recommendations. I imagine Illinois does the same - that’s a lot more paperwork to wade through. Of course, it’s not impossible to do so in s quicker fashion as my son was admitted months ago to Ohio State, Tulane and UT-Austin which required similar level of documentation as Wisconsin.

Illinois’ application has a couple of short essays but does not accept letters of rec. They also ask that grades are self-reported in lieu of transcripts being sent (these are reconciled later should the student be admitted). Everything is on one piece of paper/electronic submission. Too many state budget cuts to muddle through a lot of paperwork.

Does anybody think we will hear before friday?

@majorkey101 “Does anybody think we will hear before friday?”

It is possible, but I doubt it.

@esquiremom “There’s a rumor circulating at my son’s Chicago high school that UW Madison will not be releasing EA decisions until the first week of February.”

If they couldn’t make that timing they would have announced it earlier, and made it a positive. Probably, due to the unprecedented level of interest from applicants.

Are the admission notifications released yet?

Not yet! But they will be by the 31st. Hopefully on Friday, the 29th.

I applied from NY on Oct 23. I have a 3.81 unweighted (4.0 weighted), 1940 SAT, huge EC’s (EMT, two sport varsity, Spanish club, national honor society, cello, tutor, two jobs) my essays were ok, not my best but pretty good, great letters of rec (one from a Wisconsinite). I haven’t heard back and I am insanely nervous. should I be? There’s only 4 days left, my stats are middle 50 of everything. Help?

@aisforalex None of the OOS students have heard.

The UW-Madison Admissions Twitter page said recently that they give decisions on a rolling basis but Friday’s are the most common. So we should hear either today or tomorrow… I doubt they’d tell anyone on a Saturday or Sunday