UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@collegemans91 Unfortunate choice of words on my part. I understand there may be legitimate reason for what they are doing. However, I’m comparing to some schools that are even more selective. MIT is able to give their EA (non-binding) decision in December. So, students know if they still have a chance. I think it’s less than 50% deferred, but I don’t know for sure. When UW takes such a long time to make a decision, and then puts off a large percentage of students to the “well-I don’t know, lets see if something better comes along” it frankly leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’d actually prefer a rejection so you can move on. However, son might not feel that way, and it is, of course, his journey to take.

@caliapplicant At this point no reason to do a chance me, when you will find out within hours. Good luck!

caliapplicant, you’re in

@jackbnimble “I think we can all agree that making EA applicants wait until the last minute is a tad bit obnoxious.”

I really do not agree with that at all. If it is going to be Jan 31, at 11:59pm, that is fine.

What is obnoxious is the failure to communicate in a clear and effective manner and make so many applicants waste time checking endlessly.

When they don’t communicate, Alums hear about it, senior admins hear about it, and President Cross hears about it. They don’t like that negative publicity.

On the positive side, they also learn that they have a product and brand that has a good OOS reach, and that people care about.

@CollegeMan91 Maybe learn how to count before you post smarmy comments?

@anxsparent Sorry, I’ll be sure to head back to kindergarten… Regardless though, my point remains the same. Three days before the deadline… Does it REALLY matter at that point? I would argue no.

@CollegeMan91 “Regardless though, my point remains the same. Three days before the deadline… Does it REALLY matter at that point? I would argue no.”

Lol. you have no idea what day it is, do you? Have you had your head in the sand? (Avatar reference). It is not three days or two days before the deadline. Today is the deadline. Today is the last day of January.

Repeat- UW has ROLLING ADMISSIONS, it does NOT have EARLY ACTION. Rolling admissions is not the same as “first come, first served”. It means applicants are admitted and notified as the decisions are made. Some are easy decisions, others depend on who else applies.

Those middle 50% students that are postponed need to wait until all applications received by this week’s deadline have applied and their applications reviewed. The early notification period is relatively new- only a few years. Consider it a bonus that you can receive a reply sooner than the end of March if you apply early in the application time period. Also consider this- when the pool of applicants increases it doesn’t mean UW admissions automatically has more people to handle the work load. I suspect employees in admissions have been spending some long days recently. btw- the world will not come to an end if somehow they are late.

Admissions is separate from the rest of UW. Res Halls, professors, activities et al do not care if a student is instate or OOS. They only find out if you tell them. The business office is the only other part of UW where it matters- purely financial. Once you are admitted and choose to attend UW it does not matter when you applied, were admitted or chose to accept the offer of admission. Unlike some schools Res Halls does a spring lottery so it doesn’t matter when your housing application was completed either.

So, vocal minority, go ahead and complain et al if things do not happen as you wished. Those of you who therefore decide UW is not for you will free up space for others. Remember, admissions ceases to be part of your life once you are a student.

I’m on this thread so that I can find out when others are updated of their decision. I really don’t want to see any kinds of arguments or anything that doesn’t begin or end with “accepted”, “rejected”, “postponed” or other useful insights. Not trying to offend anyone, just finding it difficult to find the information that this thread was actually started for.

@Much2learn I’m not referring to UW-Madison I was referring to a previous post made by that user about the University of Maryland, and comparing its decisions release to that of Madison.

Is there anyone who still hasnt heard anything back yet or just me???

@CLong04 Please read some previous posts in this thread. Many people have not heard back yet, and are anxiously waiting, but decisions will be released tonight according to the UW-Madison admissions twitter.

@helicoptermomsUN yes!! You said it all! Thank you! Let’s all quit fighting about the same stuff over and over again, wait for decisions tonight, congratulate all those who get in and then move on!

alright, lets see if they could release decisions by 11:59 pm…

In Iowa. Still haven’t heard. Hoping for 7pm.

Does late notification mean we have a high chance to get deferred??

@CLong04 no one but MN residents and in state residents have heard, so no, the timing of this decision doesnt matter

I was wondering that same thing CLong04…anyone out there know for sure if this late of a notice for EA means more likely to get deferred/postponed/whatever?

@qzqzqzqzqz as i said, i doubt it means anything since no oos residents have heard except MN

i am new here, so i am still trying to figure out how to tag people in my comment…
but good to hear that the timing has nothing to do with admission results…