UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Act 29, super scored 31
3.8 GPA
Interesting as I got rejected from Miami as well this weekend but accepted to Tulane, Indiana Kelley school of business, and only deferred from Michigan. Oh well, congrats to everyone who got in!

hey how are you guys hearing–via email or via your account? i am having trouble logging in and i am wondering how long i will have to wait to hear from the university. if you’re looking at your accounts, how long has it taken for your email to arrive? thanks a bunch

I am wondering on the merit scholarships too. A little earlier someone mentioned something about the scholarship apps are due tomorrow. What does that mean? I went online and there wasn’t much to apply for. Now that my daughter was accepted, what do we need to do about merit (if anything)?

I didn’t get an email of rejection, it said it on the portal and I checked promptly at 8

Denied OOS, 27 ACT, 3.5 gpa. Going to Penn State so I’m pretty happy and kind of glad I wasn’t postponed!

The link showed up in my daughter’s UW portal. There is nothing in the communications area yet and no email in her email account yet. I think I read somewhere that the paper information goes out days later.

@mmwb98 I still haven’t received an email just checked on the portal.

In My UW, Student Center, the table in the “admissions” area has links to the notification. That was for an acceptance, not a denied/postponed…but I would assume it is the same for any outcome.

Admitted to COE!!
wgpa 4.4, ACT 32
Lots of volunteer hours, good essays

For merit scholarships, use the scholarship dashboard in MyUW. You complete a profile that helps determine the available scholarships.

Accepted to CLS!
OOS from IL
GPA: 4.2 (I’ve no idea the conversions, my school goes by a different system)
ACT: 31
Really good reccs, mediocre essays I guess, Varsity captain and president/officer for a couple clubs :0 (I go to a small all girls school)

Congrats to everyone that got in!

Rejected and heartbroken. UW was my top choice.
4.0 GPA (95.006/100)
I took all the advanced classes my school had to offer and I was in the top 15% of my class.
Good extracurriculars, yearbook, 3 year varsity letterman, NHS, volunteering. Good essay in my opinion and good recs. My SAT was a little low because of math with an 1800 but I was applying as an English major. I feel like all my hard work has gotten me nowhere and I don’t know what I’m doing now. I knew it was a reach because of my SAT score but I thought I’d at least get postponed…

@frogdragon118 @qzqzqzqzqz
From what I know, (and I’ve been researching a lot bc I really need these scholarships), certain colleges have their own scholarship applications in the portal. Not all though. Do the “search for scholarships” thing and see if anything comes up. UW Madison doesn’t give out any merit just for applying though like a lot of other Big 10 schools do. The biggest hope for aid from Madison for me at least is local scholarships.
I know the engineering scholarship app is due tomorrow along with one for people who plan on studying abroad, but the other two in my portal aren’t due till March or February.

ACT: 33
GPA: 4.5 weighted
Very rigorous courses and good extracurriculars. Not gonna lie I wasn’t expecting this

@asdfghj12349 how come you got postponed???!!

@qzqzqzqzqz and @frogdragon118 my understanding is that (unlike some other schools) you are not automatically enrolled in merit scholarships. I believe you need to apply. Go to your Student Center and there is a link on the lower left for “Scholarships @ UW”. This will take you to a website where you can search for Scholarships that you are eligible for. Answer 15 questions and it brings up a list of scholarships. Some applications are due by midnight tomorrow. FYI, according to collegedata.com, only about 8% of freshmen receive merit only aid averaging about $3600.

@loser1998 Aw man, it sucks that you can work so hard and still not get in where you want. I don’t know much about SAT scores but the rest of your stats seem good. ACT/SAT’s really don’t cover what we learn in school- to me, getting good grades in AP classes is a better measure of how hard you work and how smart you are. I got into UW, but I still probably wont be able to go there because of costs.

@loser1998. Sorry you were denied. You’re obviously a fantastic student and will surely do well wherever you go. I was denied by my first choice school back when I was a senior. I got straight A’s my freshman year of college and then transferred there as a sophomore. You will probably end up loving wherever you go, but if not UW is still an option in the future. Best of luck!!!

Accepted! 93 GPA (~3.8) and an 1840 SAT. NY resident. I’m really shocked about my acceptance

Just received the email telling me to check my decision for those of you wondering. 46 minutes after decisions were posted.