UW-Madison Fall 2022 Deferrals

Has anyone who was deferred in the EA round received a final decision yet?

No word here - OOS CA deferred

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No word for my DD. Illinois.

Nope. OOS Washington. Anxiously awaiting!!

I don’t think it will be until the RD decisions come out in late March.

Was just visiting the school with my son, OOS deferred, and the admissions person said decisions will be out end of March, likely the 31st.

did you happen to ask admissions what % of applicants landed in the deferred pool and how many they’re likely to accept at RD?

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Not my OOS, he is still waiting

Should have mentioned OOS from MO

My OOS (CA) S22 is still waiting, too, to hear if any merit aid is awarded. TO. Accepted in December. Frustrating!

Congrats to your daughter! FYI - you’ll probably get more information relevant to your situation over on the Early Action thread. The people on this thread were deferred in the early action round. So the frustration here is having to wait five months to know whether you/your kid will be accepted or rejected.
Good luck to everyone!


CA OOS Computer Engineering applicant. Was accepted a few months back, just declined the offer.

Hopefully that helps somebody here :slight_smile:


My SOAR account says “your access to this app is pending. you need to accept your offer of admission.” Anyone else???

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Yes. After adding the account to the home page that message appeared


Sadly, ours does not read as pending…thinking that those that say pending will be admitted! Hoping it is released today so we can make some decisions, finally!

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Thank you for the info