UW Madison Math requirements

On the website it seems to say that UW Madison requires four years of math - and statistics doesn’t count. I’m less clear if AP stats would count.

Can anyone comment on this? D24 will have taken one year math 9, one year math 10, Functions/stats /trig year 11, and is planning on AP stats next year. Would apply as poli sci major. Should we not even bother applying? (She’s not a math person so we wouldn’t try pre calc as it would make everyone’s life miserable. )

On their admission page - hopefully this helps. You should be through Pre Calc at least and no they will not count statistics. You can email them about AP Stats - but Stats is stats. No one is even saying you have to take AP Calc, etc. But if you are through pre-calc, it would be worth a shot. Also, note these aren’t requirements - but highly suggested (which at some would mean required but at a public, maybe less so). If you like UW, you might look at other similar - UMN, Michigan State, Iowa, Indiana and see their requirements - maybe less onerous.

While we do not have minimum requirements, competitive students will often have earned credit beyond four years of math, including at least one year each of algebra, geometry, and advanced math, or an integrated sequence of courses. We would highly recommend taking math your senior year and advancing through pre-calculus or calculus, if available. Courses that will not fulfill this requirement include statistics, business math, and computer science classes. We also look for four years of English, three to four years of science, social science, and world language, and two years of fine arts/additional academics.

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Yeah …it’s sort of wishy-washy. It’s not a requirement and then they say “courses which will not fulfill the requirement are”. I emailed them last week but no response. I don’t see why a poli sci type needs pre calc but :man_shrugging:. It’s a super hard admit now so might not be worth the effort.

It’s another app spot on common…so in that sense it’s ok.

If it’s Wisconsin wanting, it will be other top-ish schools as well.

Is the student through pre-calc?

Are you OOS? What is it about Wisconsin that you like? There are schools like Arizona, Alabama that are just as good - easier admits - and frankly for poli sci where you go will likely matter little- although that depends on the end goal.

No reason not to apply to Wisconsin if you have a common app spot available…but put it in the reach category.

Just as good?? Not on this planet.

That’s your opinion

A student with an undergrad in Poli sci or IR will likely struggle or some will get lucky.

There is no reason an outcome from UW would be different than other flagships .

I’m going through this now - these kids have to bust tail to make contacts, get apps out, meet the right people, and hope something lands. So yes, it’s true.

That’s your ranking bias seeking in - saying not in this world.

But not a reality of actual outcomes a poli sci student is likely to have.

It’ll take a lot of grit and perseverance no matter where you go ,short of an Ivy looking for an IB type gig.

PS - you also have to look within a program itself. For example, at Charleston, my daughter is an International Scholar and has had assets to diplomats, ambassadors and others via the Mroz Institute. She has both an IR career mentor, an alumni mentor in DC and a non-profit mentor. She just loved the school - we didn’t know how fantastic the resources were til she got there.

So you need to look under the hood of each program…they may offer different things.

On her own (not through the school), she got an internship this summer with the state department of transportation. But hoping to use her connections for help landing a role in DC this fall as she’ll be doing a semester there and would like to work for an agency vs. a congressman.

So yes - I stand by my statement. But it’s ok if you disagree.


Some knowledge here. UW requires 3 units of math as @tsbna44 indicated (Math requirement includes at least one year each of algebra, geometry, and advanced math, or an integrated sequence of courses). The 4th unit of math is recommended/suggested, i.e. competitive applicants have 4 or more units. And stats or AP Stats does not count as any of the units of math. Although, an AP score of 4 or 5 will award an equivalent UW Stats course. Non-STEM/Bus may have less need to get beyond the minimum 3 units of math but in my opinion, 4 years of sequential math in high school is extremely beneficial to meet basic requirements in order to do well on school specific placement tests in meeting gen ed reqs.

I think her eighth grade algebra 1 may actually qualify. Will try to figure that out. But the options for senior year are pre calc, AP calc, financial algebra or stats. And for a non math lover I can’t push her to do pre calc. I think she will actually like stats and it lines up for social sciences. She’s got rigor everywhere else so maybe we give it a shot. And hope they like oos Oregon liberal arts kids.

Yes I would think her 8th gr Alg 1 would count if it’s in the high school’s sequence of Alg I, Geom, Alg II/Trig, Pre-calc, etc. and not considered ‘pre-Algebra’. Good luck!

Have your D contact her AO and ask. If she doesn’t know who that is (it’s likely in Naviance or Scoir, if her HS has one of those), have her follow the directions here: Meet Our Team – Office of Admissions and Recruitment – UW–Madison

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