UW Madison Pre-business or U of MN Twin Cities Direct-Admit to Carlson

My son is a Wisconsin high school senior and would like to major in business next year. He has been accepted to the University of Minnesota, direct-admit into the Carlson School of Management and the Honors Program. He has also have been accepted to UW Madison, but as a pre-business student so he will have to apply to the business school the spring of his freshman year. He is applying to the Honors Program.

He likes both campuses but Wisconsin has the advantage there.

Wisconsin is a little bit less money but that is not really a huge factor.

Wisconsin in closer to home (mom and dad) by 2 hours, but his two brothers are in the Twin-Cities area.

There is a small chance he will decide to major in Math and would not need to be in the Business School but he just doesn’t know at this point.

Should he go to the U of M where he is a Direct Admit or risk it as a pre-business major at UW? He is very torn. I think either school would be good choice but this is stressing him out. Any advice?

Is admission to the business school “holistic” or GPA based? Some schools admit by GPA. Keep a 3.5 through sophomore year and you’re auto admitted. Other majors sometimes review other factors that are less concrete. If it’s holistic I’d pass immediately. If it’s GPA at least you know the target.

My youngest son just got admitted to his major. It’s holistic and includes a portfolio. Stressful. I’d probably do Carlson if the cost difference is acceptable and no additional debt.

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I should have said he is waitlisted for the Direct Admit at UW. He will know by April 15.

If he is not admitted, this is what they say about applying:

Preparing to Become a BBA Student

To be eligible to apply for admission to the Wisconsin School of Business BBA Program during your first year, you will need to be a full-time student (enrolled in 24 credit hours your first year), maintain a competitive GPA above the minimum requirement, and complete the four prerequisite courses. Admission is selective, and interested students can apply only once for the BBA Program within their first two years.

The Wisconsin School of Business annually offers a series of workshops to help with each part of the application process. These workshops include a general overview of the BBA Admissions Committee’s expectations, a resume writing workshop with a Career Advising staff member, an essay writing workshop with a Writing Center representative, and resume review week with a BBA staff member. Students who take advantage of these opportunities best position themselves to submit a strong business application.

Based on the admissions requirements I’d go Carlson. Unless he loves Wisconsin and is ok with finding a different major.


Exactly. Both will provide great access to jobs. Obviously the vibe at UMN is different as it’s big city.

Unless he wants to take Econ first year, you are taking a risk.

Lots of kids go thinking they’ll get great grades but partying and sports get in the way.

Both great choices. If he really wants Wisconsin then go for it and stay focused on the prize. There’s always Econ or falling in love with another major.

Nothing wrong with UMN tho for sure.

Good luck.

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My son had a 3.8 plus GPA after his freshmen year at UW Madison as a pre-business student plus a 34 on his ACT (Which I believe was still relevant but not sure) and he did not get in to business school. When we went to the pre-business session when he was a senior in hs, the school made it send like students who have high GPAs and joined some business clubs would be admitted. That was not the case for him and he will be graduating as an Econ majors. Many kids do get admitted to the business school after a year and many do not, including many with high GPAs. It is far from a guaranteed.


Carlson. For Carlson honors students, it’s really convenient, as both the school and the dorm are on the West Bank. Very short walk, and don’t have to go over the bridge in winter. MPLS/SPL is also a pretty good spot to rustle up internships and/or Coop opportunities. Lots of head offices that have a strong relationship to the U, though they also look to WI.
The reciprocity arrangement will work in your favor as you will pay the same as Minnesota residents, but I am sure you know that.

Hello, I’m curious to know what your son decided about college - did he end up at Wisconsin or Minnesota? My daughter is a HS senior in a similar position to where your son was last year - DA at Kelley at Indiana plus honors pgm, DA at Carlson at Minnesota plus honors pgm, pre-business at Wisconsin & DA waitlist. Wisconsin is her first choice so being pre-business is disappointing, albeit she is grateful to have been accepted to Wisconsin since many of her very smart/ talented friends were denied.