UW-Madison Rescinded Admission?

I was accepted to UW-Madison with a 3.7 GPA in 9 AP Classes, a 32 ACT and was two sport captain. During the second semester of school I have really been slacking off due to disinterest. I was just about wondering the odds of my admission being revoked. It would be a real shame due to the fact that I just turned down Grinnell and Macalester about a week ago and would have no alternatives. Thanks for the input!

AP Literature: B+
AP Biology: B
Online Health A-
Online Gym B+
Online Media B+
Online AP Geo B
AP Statisitcs C+

Wish I had gone to a high school that offered “Online Gym.”

Unlikely I’d assume, but a 3.1 is pretty low to be honest. I’d have a backup plan regardless. Disinterest is no excuse, hope you don’t carry that into your freshman year, it’ll stay with you for a long time. Trust me.

Do you go to UW-Madison?

OP, why does it matter if @Natalie278 goes to UW-Madison?

The comments in response to your post are legitimate, and would be echoed by anyone here at CC.

No one knows if your offer will be rescinded but the folks in the office at UW-Madison.

I was just wondering if she had any personal experience with the situation. No harm intended.

@Sebastian2 no I do not. Regardless, my response remains the same, as UW-Madison is a very difficult school both in rigor and coursework. College is a big wake-up call and I only advise to change your dwindling interest by the time you attend.

@Sebastian2 I did however have a rough start to my freshman year of college and still paying for it as a senior. Its a great deal of stress I would not wish onto anyone else, including you, which is why I emphasize the importance of your academics as you enter college.

Thank you, I appreciate the response. I am not worried about interest in college though, as there are high stakes involved when it comes to GPA competition towards high level graduate schools.

In my opinion you’d need 2 or more grades of D and/or F to get rescinded.

Although no one can say for sure, other than UW Admissions, the common view is that it takes Ds to be rescinded at a school like UW. Dropping from As to Bs is not a problem, and that one C+ is not going to be the deal-breaker. Still, if school isn’t over and you can squeeze that C+ up to a B-, try to do it – ask for extra credit, special projects, anything.

And learn from the experience – my kid at UW had a phenomenal educational experience, but there are many temptations to divert a freshman’s attention, so be prepared to work hard and to be organized. Look for at least 1 or 2 classes you are interested in for fall freshman year, rather than filling your schedule with requirements that are going to feel like drudgery. My kid had 4 classes fall of freshman year that he was genuinely interested in, he did well, and felt that he got a good start.

If you are taking AP exams still, it is well worth putting in the review time to try to max out your score to meet gen ed or breadth requirements at UW. My kid regretted not taking an AP Science or Math exam because he was still taking a basic science class 4 years later to meet the 12 credit requirement in Natural and Physical Sciences.

Also- time to get your study habits in good shape- they’ll be needed in college. Plus, the better knowledge base you have going in the easier it can be. Finish your senior year strong- regardless of the final grades. Pay attention to teacher critiques- usually they have the knowledge to show students where to improve to meet college standards. The AP lit course in particular- take advantage of the writing skills advice.