UW Madison Spring 2015 Transfer Thread

<p>@Graftonsoca8, I applied at the end of August and still havent heard back. However, this is my second time applying. I applied last year in December and got my rejection letter at the end of April. It is to my understanding that the deadline they say is when you find out… </p>

<p>@Grafronsoca8, what are your stats? </p>

<p>@Grafronsoca8, what are your stats? </p>

<p>Im a sophmore in state I have a 3.7 right now and in 2 clubs related to my Finance Major. I need to find out so I can figure it housing and everything for next semester :frowning:
@Badger7 what are yours?? </p>

<p>@Graftonsoca8, at what school with how many credits? I am a sophmore at UWM with a 3.66 and 48 credits. Yea I am in the same housing boat as you are… I’m not sure what to do about that either… </p>

<p>Im at UWW and about 50 credits so we have very similar stats!!! so we should both be fine i hope :)</p>

<p>@Graftonsoca8, what are you planning on doing in terms of housing if you get in? Yea I hope so! </p>

<p>y’all think we bout hear back mañana? </p>

<p>I sure hope so when you apply @cab2909090??</p>

<p>I applied in August </p>

<p>@cab2909090 Same here. Lets hope today is the day!</p>

<p>Hello Everyone!
I see some of you have questions about housing for Spring 2015. I am a current graduate student, and I am leaving in the spring so I am renting my apartment. I live at Varsity Quarters Apartments that are really Close to Union South on Monroe Street. It is one private bedroom that has 2 other rooms that are occupied by two other graduate students who are extremely nice. You do not have to be a graduate student to live in Varsity Quarters, so if anyone is interested in housing, email me at <a href="mailto:sheneicahunter@gmail.com">sheneicahunter@gmail.com</a> </p>

Sheneica Hunter </p>

<p>Omg just got in ahhhhhh!!!</p>

<p>@cab2909090, Congrats! you made it! what are your stats? </p>

<p>3.5 from cc in nys</p>

<p>@cab2909090‌ congrats! I still hope to hear back tonight :confused: lol</p>

<p>i will probably not be attending UW-Madison since i got into umich and im from umich so cheaper tuition, but I got accepted into madison today.</p>

Previously accepted for freshmen admission. GPA: 3.7 from michigan state</p>

<p>Congrats to you both!</p>

<p>Hey guys, accepted last night (11/14)!! I got my app in July 4th so it took a while to hear back. 2.6 HS GPA, 3.87 college gpa, 32 credits. Coming from UW-Milwaukee. </p>

<p>@UWMadisonAdmiss May I know when’ll the applicants receive their decision for Spring 2015? I would greatly appreciate an answer other than “A decision will be made by the end of December”. The term’ll start in January and isn’t it about now that we should be receiving our decisions? </p>

<p>For students coming from another state, especially students coming from another country, there’s so much to prepare - Visa, lodging, etc. Shouldn’t the admission committee take that into account? I understand this’s not the first time UW Madison have given out admission decisions so late, and out of state/International students still managed, but don’t you think it’s a problem that should be rectified? As a renowned university, shouldn’t you guys spare some thought for the applicants? I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. </p>

<p>I believe majority of the applicants would love to attend UW Madison, but if you guys don’t think he/she is fit, then the student should be quickly notified rather than letting him/her hang on to it till December, neglecting other Uni offers. Those who’ll get rejected in December, it’ll be too late for them to move on to another school. </p>

<p>I sincerely hope you guys’ll do something about this problem. If UW Madison really practices rolling admission then by now everyone should have received a decision.</p>