UW Madison Spring 2019 Transfer Thread

Thread for UW Madison spring 2019 applicants

Hey guys can you chance me? Thanks!
Out of state transfer
Just finished my first year at my current 4 year college
currently in summer class
Applying for CS major
College GPA: 3.6
Highschool GPA: 3.5 weighted
2 research positions over this summer with my current college professors
1 carrer oriented job in CS this summer
bunch of extracurriculars with athletics
next semester I will be a grader for one of the lower level engineering classes
worked on village aid project to design the bridge that will be built in Nicaragua

Seems to be pretty good, but cs is comparatively competitive.

Could you guys also chance me?
Out of state transfer (international student,currently in another top 50 University)
Rising sophomore, Math major
College GPA:4.0 with 30 college credits, 22 IB credits, 21.5 in progress credits for next semester (I think 4.5 of them are not transferrable)
HS GPA: IB curriculum, like unweighted 3.5 GPA? we use different scale (my last year in hs is pretty bad, around 3.0 GPA, even worse)
Research Exp: 1 in HS, 1 for this summer, both for mathematical modeling
Work Exp: Econ Tutor / Math Peer Tutor / Econ Grader
kind of lack of other activites
one strong recommendation letter ( a famous mathematician in Probability theory field)
Thank you!

Hello everyone ! Could anyone check my stat?

Applying for Spring 2019 as a “Econ”

State : International (Currently staying in New York State without citizenship or Green Card)
HS Type: Private Boarding HS in South Korea (Anbeop High School in Anseong city)
Ethnicity: Asian
Nationality: South Korean
Gender: Male
Transfer Type: Junior (with more than 60 credits in college)
Financial aid apply: No

High School GPA: 2.1/4.0 weighted
College GPA: 3.93 (John Jay College of Criminal Justice - City University of New York)

Extracurriculars in HS:
Car manufacturing company internship in South Korea (2month).
Car mold bases manufacturing company internship in South Korea (1month).
President of Economy clubs for 1 year, and stayed in Economy club for 2 years
Attended company planning camp for 3 days in Seoul
Member of Basketball clubs for 3 years
Executive of School Council (Chief / Department of School Dormitory)

Extracurriculars in College:
Got certificate from Kaplan International Academy (English level: Advanced)
Internship under the representative of New York State.
Vice President of International Student Association in John Jay College (Schoold Club).
Member of Student Without Borders (School Club) (SWB) in John Jay College.
Got Dean’s list for two semester.
Volunteer work for Korean-American Parade in Manhattan, New York
Free lunch serving volunteer works in the Brooklyn Salvation Army Church for more than 80 hours.

Letter of Recommendation: (Weak / Normal / Strong)
I would say between Normal and Strong

Submitted my application on 9/05 and the status moved to being reviewed by admissions on 9/24. Fingers crossed!

I know this thread has been dead for a while, but if anyone sees this, does anyone know if they’ll actually make us wait until the end of December for a decision?

I also have a question, was your status the same all along during the wait so far? Did it move out of the WILL BE reviewed status to give you an indication it actually was under review and admissions was actually looking at it?

@CAmom01 Mine has been saying that my application is currently being reviewed by admissions ever since I first submitted it.

I know that in last years thread it said that a group of students were able to hear back by the beginning of December, but I’m not sure if that was all of them or just a select few

@buckybuddy21 I would say almost of us, as seen by posts from past years.


I didn’t get a notification or anything that it was moved to review, but it’s been that way since I submitted it also. Still no update. :frowning:

Hopefully we get an update soon

It seems that the 1st wave may come out around the mid of this month, seen by previous posts on spring transfer.

Is there any problems that my credit hours are too much. I am willing to wave some credits.

@spencerrrrr do you think they will send out the 1st wave this early? I was thinking not until the first weekend of December, because in previous years students applied earlier than September

Hello folks!
Can anyone tell me if I even have a shot at getting accepted?

I’m from Minnesota (out of state, I guess)
Econ Major
College GPA: 3.67 (48 credits)
HS GPA: 3.65 (a few APs and Honors)

HS extracurriculars:
Student Council (Honors letter)
School Newspaper
Soccer Team

Most of you guys have some very impressive stuff on your records, which only worries me more lol.

Hope we all get accepted!

P.S. Isn’t December a little late for registration and such?

@buckybuddy21 Not sure, but definitely hope so… I think they may send offers to admitted international students first because they need more time to evaluate transfer credits.

I’m just hoping we get a decision soon. I’ve been so anxious lately about it. I applied my senior year of high school and was accepted, but made the dumb decision to go to a different university. I’m so anxious that they won’t want to accept me a second time ugh.