UW-Madison Spring Transfer?

<p>About a month ago, I applied to UW-Madison for the spring 2015 semester. If anyone has experience with transferring in the spring, I'd love to hear about it! When did you hear back about your acceptance? How was the transition to a new school in the spring? Any info is great!</p>

<p>I also got notified that my application had been received about a month ago, and it still is in the “checking to see if we have all of the necessary materials” phase. Does your status say that yours is now being reviewed by a counselor? I am also curious about when we will find out! I’m anxiously awaiting!</p>

<p>My application also says “checking to see if we have necessary materials.” I called the admissions office, and they said they don’t start reviewing spring applications until the fall. However, I found a thread from people who were applying for spring 2014, and they said that if you sent in your application early (like us) you should hear by mid October to early November. What year are you/where are you transferring from?</p>

<p>Wow I’m glad you said that. I’ve been checking my account every day for about three weeks, waiting for them to start reviewing my app. Man oh man, October is a long ways away.</p>

<p>I’ve been checking mine everyday too, so that’s good to know! I just finished my freshman year at UW Eau Claire! What about you guys?</p>

<p>Finished my first year at UW Platteville in software engineering.</p>

<p>Same here, applied about 3 weeks ago. Finished my first year at UW-Milwaukee</p>

<p>Nice! When your application status changes, you guys should let me know on here!</p>

<p>Will do. You should do the same!</p>

<p>Just finished my first year at university of Minnesota twin cities. It’s nice to find other people who are applying for the spring semester! It’s </p>

<p>Hey guys I am also applying for spring semester. What are your guys stats like? Also, do you guys know what you will be doing able housing? </p>

<p>I definitely will!
As of now, I think I will be living at home for the semester because I don’t live far from campus.</p>

<p>I have a 3.86 GPA (Dean’s List).
I’m an adult student.
One very generous and kind rec letter from composition prof, and one whose contents I have no idea from calculus prof (hopefully good!)
Legacy status.
I attended a few ACM and AITP meetings, but did not contribute enough to be noteworthy. TBH, a lot of their meetings were cancelled or fell on my calculus exam nights, though.</p>

<p>If I am not accepted (which is very likely), I will be doing a lot more extracurricular activities next year and possibly some tutoring.</p>

<p>Those are all the selling points I can think of right now. What about you?</p>

<p>And I am not going to be too concerned about housing until I hear back, because there is no use worrying about something that might not need worrying. If I am accepted, I will get an apartment (will be looking for a roommate (: ).</p>

<p>3.9 College gpa
weak high school gpa due to circumstances
ECs: Military (National Guard), child mentor, intramurals, assistant coach
1 letter of rec from an Anatomy and Physiology prof.</p>

<p>If you guys get in, where are you thinking about living? I was looking into Ogg.</p>

<p>Ogg sucks! :wink: </p>

<p>I finished high school with ~3.7 GPA, 30 ACT, varsity letters in debate and girls tennis, a mentorship in a research lab at the mayo clinic, and other extracurricular activities like volunteer work at a food shelf, off season tennis, track and field and knowledge bowl. I wasn’t accepted to madison when I applied for fall 2013. But Madison is my dream school so I am trying again!</p>

<p>At the university of Minnesota I finished this year with a 3.69 GPA, and got on the deans list. I participated in AMSA (American medical student association) and was a member of the UMN student senate. I am also now an employee in the lab I mentioned above. Hopefully I get in this time around! </p>

<p>Is this anybody else’s second time applying??</p>

<p>This will be my second time applying. Are you worried about transferring in half way through? </p>

<p>Wow shivanik, those were some pretty good stats to not get admitted. Makes me very unsure of my chances.</p>