UW-Madison Spring Transfer?

<p>wroblewskij- yeah, I was really disheartened when I didn’t get in the first time round. Looking back though, my writing could have been better. There are always people who get unlucky with the admissions process. Hopefully this times the charm!</p>

<p>Badger7- yeah, I’m a little nervous that a transition in the spring might be difficult! But I do have plenty of friends there, and if I get in to madison I’m considering doing transfer housing in Adams hall so I can meet new people who are in the same boat as me!</p>

<p>Shivanik- I was told that Adams is full… If so, where would you want to live? </p>

<p>Badger7 - then smith or Ogg would be my next choices! I heard spots open up sometimes when people travel abroad, switch dorms, etc. if those aren’t available, then I’ll probably look into off campus housing. I think id rather live in a dorm for my first semester, just to help me get used to the new environment</p>

<p>Wow, I spent entire month writing my essays as soon as possible, but it didn’t matter. Since they dont check it until october</p>

<p>Booyahh- same… I was in such a rush to send my app in</p>

<p>Good luck to both of you. Proving you can excel in college should mean good news. There are too many students who can succeed at UW compared to the number of freshman places available. They need to be able to accommodate students in those entry level courses. Transfers will have already taken many of their breadth requirements. There is usually plenty of room in upper level classes in most majors. This is why it can be easier to transfer than get in as a freshman.</p>

<p>Let us know what happens.</p>

<p>Do you guys know when people started hearing back in previous years? </p>

<p>No clue, Ive seen people say in October for people who applied really early. Ive seen other forums where a lot of people heard back in November. Also, my app status just changed recently to “your application is under review by one of our admissions counselors.” Anyone in the same boat?</p>

<p>My app says that too. I hope to hear back in October or November. </p>

<p>My app status has also changed. Hoping to hear back in October. I applied mid-june. What about you guys?</p>

<p>Submitted my app two days ago!</p>

<p>Stats: 3.6, not sure of how many transferable credits I have cause I go to michigan state university, but currently have 50 credits at MSU and currently a sophomore
Was admitted out of high school</p>

<p>My app is also being reviewed! I applied mid june as well.</p>

<p>Anyone know when the first “round” of admission decisions get sent out? I hear sometime in October? Early or late october, anyone know?</p>

<p>Just going off of what I’ve heard, apps are reviewed in the order that they are received, and that decisions can be expected to start coming out in October. I’m guessing mid-late October.</p>

<p>Gotcha. Makes sense! I applied mid June and my application has been “being reviewed” since September 1st, I believe. So I think that would be considered early?</p>

<p>Also, thank you, Bryce625!</p>

<p>Forsure. And definitely. I thought I was early and I applied beginning of July. Also been “being reviewed” since Sept. 1st.</p>

<p>Awesome! Well hopefully we hear back soon! I look forward to the day that I don’t have to check the status of my app. everyday. haha.</p>

<p>I check mine every day too… you would think that they would be able to make a decision after reviewing it for a month</p>

<p>No kidding!! I just want to know now!</p>