UW- Madison transfer chances? Please help im so anxious

I am a biracial female hoping to transfer to Madison my sophomore year. I currently go to Marquette University. Im a wisconsin resident and im doing priority.

My high school grades were not good , I had a 2.7 and 21 ACT. I took 5 APs. I had jobs and was a varsity athlete. I was in 3 sports and two clubs. I talked about how in my essay I struggled with growing up with my moms mental illness. I have pretty strong essays.

My first semester at Marquette I ended with a 3.66. Huge change in study habits. Im hoping they will see this as me getting my act together, and that I can handle UW work. I volunteered 30 hours last semester and was a part of another club. I have a letter of recommendation from my English professor.

come on people

Come on, OP. Nothing we say here will make any difference. You’ve done the “paperwork” so let it go and concentrate on this college semester. You annoy posters when you post twice in the same day, plus the demanding tone.

I only posted once

Why do you want to transfer?

Its cheaper for a much better education. Madison has a way better social life, more opportunities to get involved on campus, and its further away from home. I don’t really like Marquette at all and I dont think its worth the price. I also know a lot of people at Madison that would help ease my transition.

I totally understand especially with the cost difference. You’ve proven yourself to be a solid hard-working college student so I would think that would look quite positively for you.

Your post # 1 is your second, rather rude post, OP. Consider other UW campuses as backup to save money if you really want out of Marquette.

sorry I didn’t mean it rudely i was stressed out that no one was resonding.

People on here are mostly here for freshman admissions, not transfer admissions, so your best bet would be to just patiently wait, since no one on here knows. The reason people aren’t responding isn’t because they don’t want to help, but instead that we truly don’t know the answer so wouldn’t want to mislead you.