UW-Madison Transfer Fall 2016

Hi! :slight_smile: Thought we could start a discussion for (hopeful) transfer students to UW-Madison next Fall 2016!

I just applied today! :slight_smile: Any one apply recently and have found out??

I applied not long after you and nothing yet! I’m not sure if it will come in waves or all at once in April!

I applied the first week of January and haven’t heard back, but it has only been two weeks. I read on the admissions site it says decisions are rolling, so hopefully it doesn’t come all at once in April.

It recently said on my student center that they are reviweing my application, when I applied last year when that popped up I heard a couple weeks after :slight_smile: I hope you guys find out soon as well :slight_smile:

@badger19 How long overall did it take for you to hear a decision back?

Did you apply out of high school your first time @badger19

Hi guys! I actually just decided to apply. I am a undergrad at UCI with a 3.61 fall quarter GPA. With just 10 days to go, I probably won’t get any letter of recs. I have just joined an on-campus student council, and play the saxophone (ecs??)

High school:
UW GPA: 3.7 or 3.8
ACT: 32
Ecs: honestly, very few. saxophone in jazz band and a few leadership positions
Had a surgery which caused my 2nd semester senior year to be a flop (3.2 GPA, I think). I got around a 3.5/3.6 in 1st semester.

I am also in the honors program, a tutor, and was on the dean’s list for fall 2015. I know we are all in this together, but any opinion on my chances? I know my GPA is super low.

@ADY360 I’d still send in letters of recommendation! The material deadline has not been announced, and they’ll accept them even beyond the deadline, as long as they haven’t reviewed your application yet. Where is UCL? It may be less likely you’ll get in if you’re international/OOS. BUT there’s reports flying around that UW-Madison is letting in more OOS and international students, so it might work in your favor. The only way to know for sure is when you get your admission decision :slight_smile:

So your chances I’d say are in the middle to low range: slightly high of the middle range if you’re in-state originally, middle-low if you’re international.

Hi @Natalie278! I actually should be getting 3 letters of rec. And the school is UCI, University of California, Irvine. :slight_smile:

Thanks for giving me an idea. Now I know what to expect haha.

@ADY360 Oops haha my bad!

Ask for the recommendations- tell your profs the deadline and apologize for the timing. Are you a WI resident??? Could be despite the CA school. Your college gpa is high enough most likely- remember HS gpa’s tend to be a lot higher.

@wis75. Yes, I emailed three people: 2 professors and my chem lab TA. So far, one of the professors responded and said she will write one. I know high school GPAs tend to be higher, and that my GPA is on the low side. But, I am in the honors program here, and the classes are rigorous. The only reason I am trying now is because I want to avoid a mid year quarter system to semester system transition. I am just going to close my eyes, and take the shot.

I would like to see my chances. I am a student at UW- Milwaukee, my hometown is Milwaukee. I’m oriental/asian.

My GPA by the end of fall 2016, it will be a 3.52
EC: a member of Asian Student Union, president/founder of a breakdance club, assistant financial director of google student ambassador, a member of hmong student association
A recommendation letter from my BUS ADM professor, though I feel like I need more recommendation letters from professors but I don’t know who else to turn to. Can anybody give suggestions?

How do I look? Low chances?

@DynamicSeagull do you mean your GPA by Spring 2016?

Yeah by Spring 2016. Though I want aim for spring semester transfer

@dynamicseagull This is the fall semester transfer thread. Chances are average with GPA but good ECs.

Hi all, I am looking to transfer to Madison for Fall 2016. I was at UMN Twin Cities and got a GPA of 2.959 for Fall 2015. I transferred to one of the two year UW Colleges and anticipate getting all A’s this semester. I have an excellent High school GPA of 3.959 and was in top 5% of my class with a 30 on my ACT and many extracurriculars. I have 2 high school recommendation letters, and 1 college recommendation letter. I would be trying to transfer as a sophomore, and just wanted to get some opinions on my chances of admission for Fall 2016??

And if I am denied for Fall 2016 semester, is it possible to apply for Spring 2017 semester right after rejection?