anyone else applying for transfer fall 2019??

I’m applying!

I’m applying too!

I am! Did you guys do priority?

Yes! I applied around Jan 25 I think - do you know when we usually hear back?

My estimate is March 15, if not then, the 22.

What is your year in school right now?

I am applying to transfer to uw-madison for the Fall 2019 semester as well! I am a bit nervous about what my chances may look like, so I’ll break it down!
Currently a sophomore standing at UWM, with 45 transferable credits towards Madison. My GPA is a 3.5 and have also made Deans Honor List each semester since I’ve attended here so far (GPA has been a constant upward trend)! Now, compared to high school is where I had a 2.9 GPA (Which is ultimately stressing me out the most with my application).
Looking to major in Afro-American Studies, through the college of Letter and Science! I am currently a Resident Assistant for the LLC (Living Learning Community) in the Residence Hall for the Culture and Community Floor. Fall 2018, I was voted RA Liaison to represent Resident Assistants for University Housing, received a “Stellar RA” award and most positive award too.
Additional EC are weekly volunteering with an after school mentoring group, member of Black Student Union on campus, chaperone my high school’s Black Student Union trips each semester, apart of MSAN (Minority Student Achievement Network) which Madison has hosted on numerous occasions and a facilitator for the Summer Equity Instuiton (district insinuative for diversity and inclusion for faculty, student and staff).
I have three letters of recommendation! (Resident Assistant supervisor, Academic Advisor/Instructor for a Social Welfare course I’ve taken and the director of equity and inclusion from my high school’s district).
I have been working the past two months on some amazing essays, that have been revised and looked over by many people (Writing Center on campus, friend that attends Harvard and boyfriend’s sister who went to Madison).
Additional info (may or may not matter): In state student and bi-racial (Puerto Rican and African American)

I think you have a really good chance. Although your high school gpa isn’t the best, I think they will be paying more attention to your college gpa. Good luck!

I’m applying, I really want to go but I’m worried I will not be able to afford it. Does anyone know how much financial aid uw Madison typically gives to out of state transfer students?

@Jym2322 I would expect very little to none outside of student loans. DS just transferred in this semester as an in state student. There was one scholarship specifically for transfer students. I can’t remember the details but after hearing the requirements, we decided it wasn’t even worth DS’s time to apply for it. I think it was for $1000 and not renewable if I remember correctly. He didn’t even find any others to apply for but I’m sure that varies depending on your major/interest.

You guys think we will hear as early as next Friday?

hi guys!

I was reading previous UW transfer admissions posts and a lot of them were talking about the content of the ‘my academics’ tab in your student center. I was wondering to see what other people’s tabs show.

I have a transfer credit tab but it says ‘no evaluations to display.’ Does everyone else have this? In previous semesters, people said their’s disappeared towards the end of the admissions process… Don’t know if it’s a good sign or bad sign that mine still has ‘no information to display.’ They also said the day before decisions came out, some of them had a transfer credit evaluation.

Mine hasn’t changed either, apparently it doesn’t mean anything. The real changes come the day or so before they send out decisions…

I hope it’s this friday I’m starting to get anxious lol

I think we’ll find out this friday… at least that’s what I’m hoping for as well. super anxious lol

Anyone else able to enter specific search criteria when you hit search for sources on the main application page? Or has that always been there?

@waterbadger which main application page? do you mean search for courses? because if so I have that and am able to enter specific search criteria… I think I always have been?

@carlyb32 When you go into the student center, and click the search courses green button to the right, it let’s me select specific criteria to search for… just noticed it yesterday.

@waterbadger hmmm… the only green button I see to the right says ‘search for classes’ and I do get specific criteria. The first two options in the criteria are ‘institution’ and ‘term’ right?

also, what is your transfer credit tab saying? mine still says “no evaluations to display.”