I saw that they made one of these for 2019 and was hoping we could make another one for 2020.

Who is applying as a transfer student for Fall 2020?
(Feel free to put in your application facts)

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I am!

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I’m going to drop my stats for anyone interested.

-In-state, born and raised in Wisconsin
-transferring from the University of Kansas School of Engineering
-I decide to apply as Undecided

High school Stats:

  • 3.98 UW GPA (4 Transcripted Credit classes, No APs offered.)
  • ECs: Cross Country(State Qualified), Basketball(Captin), Track(State Qualified), FBLA(State Qualified), FFA(3-year Officer), Student Council, Math Team, County/State Fair Showing

College Stats:

  • CHEM club (not very involved otherwise)
  • 3.57 GPA fall semester (17 credits)
  • Unknown GPA spring semester (16 credits)
  • one rec letter from my first semester English teacher (I have no idea how well this letter was written as she directly submitted it to the school)
    -I wrote my college essay about donating over $8,000 check from my Market Pig to my friend that recently was diagnose with brain cancer.
    -Wrote my madison essay about my family history with UW-Madison, and my brother being there for grad school, and how It feels like home.

Good luck to anyone else applying!

So happy you made a thread for fall transfers

Does anyone else still have things in there “to do list” even though you have everything turned in?

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I am a biracial female hoping to transfer to Madison my sophomore year. I currently go to Marquette University. Im a wisconsin resident and im doing priority.

My high school grades were not good , I had a 2.7 and 21 ACT. I took 5 APs. I had jobs and was a varsity athlete and qualified for state. I was in 3 sports and key club and yearbook club. I talked about how in my essay I struggled with growing up with my moms mental illness. In the Madison essay I talked about all the classes, clubs, and volunteering I want to do there.

My first semester at Marquette I ended with a 3.66 with 16 credits. Huge change in study habits. Im hoping they will see this as me getting my act together, and that I can handle UW work. I volunteered 30 hours last semester and was a part of another club at Marquette. I have a letter of recommendation from my English professor. I am majoring in psychology.

I really hope to get into Madison it is my dream.

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Hey plzhelp617, I’m a African American male looking to transfer just like you. I’m currently at Fond Du Lac College in Minnesota but I’m from and live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I;m also doing priority.
My high schools weren’t that good also. I think I got a 2.8 GPA and a 15 ACT. Situations and not having stability at home played a huge factor on why my high school grades were not up to par. Situations like my dad’s divorce, sometimes not having transportation to go to school, and then having to rely on public transportation to get to school really hindered me. And reading on how some people had 3.5 GPA’s and up and still were not able to get into Madison worries me.

My first semester at Fond Du Lac College I ended up with a 3.8 GPA with 15 credits. Minnesota’s grading system is weird because they don’t do A+ or A- they just do outright A’s and B’s. So I got A’s in all my classes with just 1 B in another. So just imagine if that B were a B+, I could have a possible 3.9 instead of a 3.8. But whatever lol . There’s also dorms here, so me being able to get to class without having to rely on public transportation really showed in my grades. In high school, it was never that I couldn’t do the work, it was just I was never there to do it due to transportation issues. In the Madison essays I explained these issues, and told them how me being a badger was a lifelong dream of mines. I have a letter of recommendation from my public speaking teacher who is a very intelligent lady. Minnesota famous may I add. I plan on walking on to the football team in Madison to pursue my lifelong dream in getting to the NFL to help financially provide for my family and loved ones. I also really hope and praying to get accepted into Madison because I worked really hard. I hope you all get into Madison as well.

@plzhelp617 ^^^

Thank you, I wish you luck! We find out at the end of March but I just want to know already

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Yes @plzhelp617 same. My birthday is March 12th so hopefully I can get a late birthday present from them as an acceptance letter lol. But who knows, maybe we see each other at Madison.

College grading typically does not include +/- to my knowledge so do not wishfully up your gpa. In fact UW has had AB and BC grades along with the A, B and C.

Hi everyone I’m also applying as a transfer to UW madison for fall 2020! I’m a MN resident born and raised and I applied to UW last year for fall 2019 and got deferred, then waitlisted, but ultimately denied. Here are my stats!

High School
-31 ACT
-4.2 weighted GPA (I can’t remember unweighted, maybe like a 3.9?)
-Took 3 AP tests and 2 IB tests, passed all of them
-Didn’t do tons of EC since i danced 15 hours a week and also worked 15 hours a week

-3.91 GPA first semester at CU Boulder (16 credits)
-Haven’t really gotten involved here in anything long term though
-I’m a biochem major so I took classes like Gen Chem 1 with lab and Calculus 1 and what not

I’m so excited to hear back from them and I’m excited to hear about everyone else’s admission decisions!

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“Passing AP exams” doesn’t mean doing well on them- only a 3 needed.

Does anyone know the in-state acceptance rate for transfers?

@wis75 Sorry I never tried to brag that I “did well” on them. Just stated I passed, which is an accomplishment in mind considering they were challenging courses. I got 4’s on all the ones I took too so

“Challenging” is in the eye of the student. Some find AP classes easy. Getting 4’s can mean getting specific course credit- kudos. Better than just “passing”.

im so anxious I just wanna know if i am going to get in already

I just applied for transfer too! Does anyone know if we are allowed to complete the WiSH Scholarships? I don’t have a campus ID yet so I can’t make an account… otherwise, how do we get a chance for those scholarships?

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id ask admissions, im not sure

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let me know if you find out