UW-Madison vs.University of Michigan

Hey guys,

I was recently accepted to both universities, and would want to know thoughts or opinions. I am applying to medical school afterwards. I am majoring in psychology, but I’m thinking of changing majors , neurobiology or neuroscience. I am first generation in my family and this process is very difficult. I want to make the best decision possible. Also, money isn’t really a factor. But I will apply to top medical schools, and I’m not sure if a cheap tuition will be better now because medical school will be many years considering I am an aspiring neurosurgeon. I am OOS, and well any help or advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Both are excellent schools! Everyone I talk to loves Wisconsin and Michigan (unlike some other large state universities). Have you visited both campuses? That might help you make your decision. But both schools are amazing, and you’ll be very well off wherever you go.

Ditto the above. Look at how things work for changing majors at each school. UW admits students to the university as a whole, regardless of intended major. Easy to switch. You need to check with Michigan on their policies.

You need to visit each of the two campuses. With Lake Michigan separating the states there is not much flow between them, ie you likely will not find many people who know both schools. If flying into the Midwest consider Detroit for Ann Arbor and then either Milwaukee or Chicago- renting a car (by parent) to get to the college towns.

For medical school admissions both will work. You can check on the departments of interest to you for possible majors. Courses required, offered et al. Also check on the Honors Programs- UW’s is excellent and offers good STEM sequences.

Be prepared to adjust your goals once you are in college. There are many good fields outside being an MD if you discover you like one. I went the MD route, friends the PhD route- decades later two of us had a conversation about whether we should have gone the other route (both women). Do not become a physician just because that is what you currently know. Do not consider the prestige factor. Plus- be prepared for not getting accepted to medical school- have a plan B. Both schools can give you the education you want but it will be up to YOU to take advantage of opportunities. Something nice about these two flagships is that there will be plenty of people majoring in the required premed class fields so although there may be many with that goal there will be many who chose the major for itself. I was a chemistry major first, then premed. That means not taking courses to get the A but for the knowledge.

You are lucky- you have two great choices for your college experience and apparently have the family finances to choose either one. You presumably can afford to make the trip to see both schools in person. Choose one and never look back.