UW Madison vs UT Austin vs CU Boulder

<p>Hey guys, I'm planning on majoring in Mechanical Engineering and I've been accepted for it at CU Boulder and UW-Madison. I'll probably get into UT Austin too, though as an Undeclared Major. I'll be starting school in January 2013.</p>

<p>Which school do you recommend?</p>

<p>Tie UW and UT. UCB is scenic but not as good overall. But all are good enough too. I have lived in all three towns and attended UW and UCB. UCB has very serious funding issues.</p>

<p>How’s the housing at UW-Madison?</p>

<p>All are similar. Mostly just freshmen then you move off campus to apt. Heard UT is tightest. UW has several newer dorms.</p>

<p>I have sons at both CU and UW. The one at CU is an aerospace engineering major and currently a junior. The engineering department at CU is very good and difficult like any engineering program would be. UT and UW probably have higher school wide reputations, but CU engineering is a completely different story. The aerospace engineering department is ranked something like 12th or 14th in the entire country. </p>

<p>All of the three are good schools. What environment do you want to live in? CU is a beautiful campus, UW also pretty. Not familiar with UT campus. </p>

<p>If you have any more specifics about CU or UW , I can answer them.</p>

<p>Mechanical and aerospace engineering are two very different fields- not all schools offer aerospace engineering- mechanical could be much better at other schools than CU.</p>

<p>I’ve always wanted to go to UT Austin cuz of the weather and the great atmosphere. But now that I’ve received offers from almost all; I wouldn’t mind the cold of Madison. All 3 schools are fun, but Madison is significantly cheaper than the rest. Almost 10g for an International student.</p>

<p>What are the nicest/most social residence halls at UW Madison? I have to submit the Housing contract by the 9th of November.</p>


<p>Smith or Ogg are new. Sellery and Witte need to be torn down, which I hear they will be one day.</p>

<p>Or the newest-Dejope Hall on the lakeshore.</p>

<p>UW-Madison Res halls come in two types - lakeshore and southeast. In general southeast is considered a more party-like atmosphere while lakeshore halls are quieter. Having lived in lakeshore, I can tell you more about those dorms. </p>

<p>I live in Dejope personally and love it - though it’s mostly 2nd year students, with a few freshman mixed in. Most buildings like Sullivan and Cole will have more freshman, and there’s usually something going on and it’s pretty easy to meet people. Most people on campus are pretty friendly. Even being somewhat further out is okay, in fact it’s pretty easy to get to engineering from here - so you’ll find a lot of engineering students in lakeshore.</p>