UW or Purdue for CS?

<p>Son got into both -- which is the better option? We are OOS for both.</p>

<p>If you take stock in rankings, UW’s CS is ranked 11th and Purdue is ranked 20th. This is for graduate programs but it nonetheless tells you about the reputation. Though 11th vs. 20th may seem like a lot, I don’t think programs after the top 5 which fall in the top 20 are much different. I think the decision should come down to environment, campus, etc. My neighbor had a similar dilemma. He was accepted a few years back to UW and Purdue engineering. He went to Purdue because the isolated campus of Purdue matched his personality. He wasn’t into the distractions of Madison as a city. On the other hand, my son’s friend who got accepted into UW and Purdue (also for engineering) for next year is leaning to UW because he likes the “scene.” Have you done the campus and surrounding area visits?</p>

<p>thanks – he’s visited Purdue a few times and will go again next week for their Scholar’s Day visit. We have a call into the CS department at UW for a dept. visit since his one visit to Madison did not include anything specific to the program. He LOVED Madison’s feel. After spending a weekend at GA Tech this fall, he crossed that school off his list because the kids were too geeky and Southern for a Chicago teen.</p>

<p>Given that he loved UW- come here, no question. Great comp sci and math programs- some courses crosslisted, btw. Don’t worry about specific departmental visits. You can check out the great facility on your own- and it is across from the new Union South. Son added comp sci to his math major. Of course if U of Illinois UC were on the radar it may be the better school for comp sci, even if UW has a much nicer campus.</p>

<p>As is often noted, UW is a big school, and kids of every type can find their niche. My sophomore son is a just declared CS major who self-describes as a “geek” and has found a group of like minded friends who tend to ignore the whole UW party scene and spend their evenings watching British sci-fi, but there are obviously many others who take a completely different path just as happily.</p>

<p>As for the quality of the department, it sure doesn’t lack for attention from the software tech giants. My son already has an opportunity to intern with one of them out west this summer. He’s flying out for a second interview soon. It’s pretty obvious that UW Comp Sci students are highly coveted in the industry.</p>

<p>Also, as Wis75 noted, the Comp Sci building is steps away from the new Union South, which is spectacular. All in all it’s a very appealing place. Good luck to your son.</p>

<p>UW CS >> purdue cs</p>

<p>Madison >>> west lafayette!</p>