UW raises target for OOS and Int. freshmen 22%

<p>Over the next four years UW has planned for a nice increase in slots for OOS and int freshmen students while keeping instate constant. </p>

<p><a href="http://apa.wisc.edu/Enrollment/Targets%20for%20new%20students.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://apa.wisc.edu/Enrollment/Targets%20for%20new%20students.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Constant? For 1st year students, the table shows annual increase of about 30 for WI/MN and about 50 for OOS over each of the next couple years.</p>

<p>Shhhh… Steve Nass will hear you.</p>

<p>My math might be rusty but in Fall 2011 UW had 4245 instate/minn freshmen. In the same year there were 1583 out of state and international. They project 4231 in/minn and 1929 OOS/int in 2015. Now which has the larger projected increase? Beuller–anyone??</p>

<p>This is interesting, Barrons. Was the cap of 25% out-of-state raised? Or, do international students not count toward the out-of-state quota?</p>

<p>Yes, you are right from a baseline of the past. I was looking from 2012 on.</p>


I suspect the cap remains unchanged, but it applies to total undergraduates, not just incoming students. The 30% OOS freshman are diluted by the 20% OOS transfers and the fact that the OOS students graduate faster, on average, than the in-state do. Hence there tends to be an increasing percentage of in-state students pooled among students with junior and senior standing. So they are probably just flying a little closer the 25% threshold.</p>

<p>Correct. Transfers are more likely to be instate by a pretty good margin which gives more room at the freshmen level for out of state.</p>