UW Waitlist Class of 2023

Does anyone know someone who was taken off the waitlist? Or if admissions is planning on taking people off the waitlist?

I don’t know anyone who has gotten off the waitlist but I’m refreshing like crazy. Last year according to their waitlist page on College Confidential they started admitting people around May 8th… Do we think they aren’t admitting anyone from the waitlist?

i know 1 person who got off the waitlist but it was weird bc it was before may 1st

Bleedorangebaby, I think that they meant deferred.

Nope. I watched her open her RD and it was a waitlist i’m positive.

Does anyone have some news? Please, please share with us!

I believe they’ve begun notifying people. I got off the waitlist a couple hours ago.

Remember the domino effect. An offer is made then accepted/rejected by a student. Rejecting the offer means being able to offer the spot to the next student, who then makes the choice and the process continues until all spots are filled again with no more rejections.

thank you so much for that update!!! i was refreshing so crazy these days. that is the only news make me happy and positive again!!! thx!!!

Did you hear that by email or other ways ?

how does it show you that you got in

Yeah, how’d they notify you?

Has anyone else besides the one person get in yet?

nothing new here

Offers will come thru June. On avg 20% get in off the list.

Based on the fact that only one person said it, I’m thinking they might have been on the wrong thread or were a special exception and got off the waitlist “early” (before the first round of people are contacted) such as the few people who got off the waitlist before May 1st. Looking at past threads, many people posted once the first round of people were contacted saying they got in and were offered a spot off the waitlist, so I just find it peculiar that only one has posted. All speculation, though. Who knows.

I would agree with that but I something tells me that UW Madison is swamped this year. I know at my school almost every single person who got accepted there is going. It’s just too good of a deal to pass up. Idk I hope I’m wrong, I hope they will notify us soon. I just feel like there may not be any waitlist spots available this year.

Anyone hear back yet?

nothing yet :(

Nothing for me. This is getting a bit strange